History Objective Questions PDF in Hindi

History Objective MCQ Questions PDF in Hindi for competitive exams for free Download. Modern, Medieval, and Ancient History important MCQs Book and Notes PDF from the reputed coaching centers and publishers are provided here.

Modern History : Questions in Hindi

Contents of this book PDF

यूरोपियन कंपनियां
क्षेत्रीय राज्य
सांस्कृतिक और सामाजिक सुधार आंदोलन
उपनाम, कथन और पुस्तकें
क्रान्तिकारी गतिविधियाँ
1857 की क्रांति
गवर्नर जनरल
संवैधानिक विकास
आर्थिक अवस्था
राष्ट्रीय आन्दोलन
विश्व इतिहास

Download : Modern History Most Important Question Answer

Name : Modern History Most Important Question Answer
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 54

Medieval History Objective Questions PDF in Hindi

Contents of this PDF includes :

प्रारंभिक मध्य काल
सल्तनत काल
सूफी और भक्ति आंदोलन
मध्य कालीन क्षेत्रीय राज्य
मुगल काल

Download : Medieval History Most Important Question Answer

Name : Medieval History Most Important Question Answer
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 23

Ancient History Objective Questions

प्रागैतिहासिक काल और हड़प्पा सभ्यता
वैदिक सभ्यता
बौद्ध एंव जैन धर्म
छठीं शताब्दी ई. पूर्व के बाद का भारत
मौर्य काल
मौर्योत्तर काल
दक्षिण भारत
गुप्तोत्तर काल

Download : Ancient History Question Answer PDF

Name : Ancient History Most Important Question Answer
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 35

Download : 2900 History MCQS (General Studies)

Table of Contents

Decline of Mughal Empire
Rise of Autonomous States
Anglo-Maratha struggle
East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal
Policies of East India Company
Revenue and Judicial Reforms in British Period
Economic Consequences of British Rule
Revolt of 1857
Tribal Struggle
Peasant Revolts
Socio-Religious Movements
Education and Press
Political Developments Before 1885
Indian National Congress-INC
Moderate Phase 1885-1905
Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement
Surat Split of Congress and Revolutionary Movements
Muslim League
Delhi Darbar
Homerule Leagues
Gandhian Era-South Africa to Rowlatt Satyagraha
Communist Movements
Khilafat Movements & Non-cooperation Movements
Peasant Movements in 1920-30s
Revolutionary Activities Abroad
Swaraj Party
Simon Commission and Nehru Report
Towards Complete Swaraj 1929
Civil Disobedience Movement CDM and Dandi March
Gandhi-Irwin Pact and Round Table Conference RTCs
Communal Award and Puna Pact
Congress Samajwadi Party CSP
Provincial Elections
Forward Block
Period After Second world war
Governors, Governor-Generals and Viceroys of India
Various Newspapers/Magazines, Books

Name : 2900 History Objective Question Answer
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 292

Objective Modern History in Hindi : Download

यूरोपियन का आगमन
विविध (मध्यकालीन भारत)
ब्रिटिश सत्ता का विस्तार
ब्रिटिश शासन का भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था पर प्रभाव
19वीं-20वीं सदी के सामाजिक-धार्मिक आन्दोलन
जातिगत, जनजातीय, किसान व मजदूर आन्दोलन
स्वतंत्रता आन्दोलन
नरमपंथी / उदारवादी चरण (1885 ई० – 1905 ई०)
गरमपंथी / उदारवादी चरण (1905 ई० – 1917 ई०)
गाँधी युग (1917 ई०-1947 ई०)
विविध (आधुनिक भारत)

Download : History 4100 MCQ PDF

Name : History 4100 MCQ
Medium : English
Number of pages : 335

Download : Indian History 1000 MCQ PDF

Name : Indian History 1000 MCQ PDF
Medium : Hindi
Number of pages : 110

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