SSC CGL Practice Set Book PDF for Tier I & II Exams for free Download. Topic wise 101 practice sets and 5 extra full syllabus practice sets in English.
Features of SSC CGL Tier 1 & 2 Book
Fully solved topic wise 101 practice sets
Each test contains around 25-35 MCQs in the latest pattern of the exam.
SSC CGL syllabus divided into 4 sections and further distributed into 96 topics.
1. General Intelligence & Reasoning is distributed into 27 topics.
2. Quantitative Aptitude is distributed into 29 topics.
3. English Language is distributed into 13 topics.
4. General Awareness is distributed into 27 topics.

At the end of each section, a Sectional Test is provided.
The book contains 3800+ Quality MCQ’s in the form of tests.
Solutions to each of the tests are provided at the end of the book.
Time Limit, Maximum Marks, Cut-off, Qualifying Score is provided for each test.
This SSC CGL book also contains a separate sheet, SCORE TRACKER where you can keep a record of your scores and performance.
5 full practice sets as per latest SSC CGL Syllabus
Practice the full test very seriously to feel the real pressure of Exam.
The full practice set of SSC CGL will help you to assess your strength and weakness.
Useful to assess your silly mistakes.
Improve accuracy and speed
Help to crack the SSC CGL Exam
SSC CGL Practice Set PDF: Free Download
Name of Book : SSC CGL Tier 1 & 2 – 101 Practice Set
Publisher : Disha Publication
Medium : English
Number of PDF Pages : 398
Free download – SSC CGL Practice Set Book from the below google drive link :
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