The Hindu Daily Vocabulary : 7 September 2024

Vocabulary English words from The Hindu newspaper editorial dated 7 September 2024, along with their meaning in Hindi, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in sentences.

Editorial : Undoing the undoing: On the Competency-Based Medical Education Curriculum guidelines – The withdrawal of the new curriculum by the NMC is welcome 

English Vocabulary : 7 September 2024


Pronunciation: /ˈrɛtrəˌɡreɪd/
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: Directed or moving backward; a return to an earlier and less advanced state.
Meaning in Hindi: प्रतिगामी, पीछे की ओर जाने वाला
Synonyms: Backward, regressive, declining
Antonyms: Progressive, forward, advanced
Use in Sentence: The government’s decision to revoke the policy is seen as a retrograde step in social development.
Use in Editorial: “…jerks a retrograde move back within law, and reason.”


Pronunciation: /pərˈvɜːrʒən/
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: The alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption.
Meaning in Hindi: विकृति, भ्रष्टाचार
Synonyms: Distortion, corruption, misrepresentation
Antonyms: Normalcy, purity, morality
Use in Sentence: The media’s perversion of facts often leads to widespread misinformation.
Use in Editorial: “It also slotted transvestism or cross-dressing under the category of sexual perversion.”


Pronunciation: /ˌædməˈnɪʃən/
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: A firm warning or reprimand.
Meaning in Hindi: चेतावनी, फटकार
Synonyms: Warning, caution, reprimand
Antonyms: Praise, encouragement, commendation
Use in Sentence: After several admonitions from the teacher, the student finally changed his behavior.
Use in Editorial: “Notably, following admonition by the Madras and Kerala High Courts…”


Pronunciation: /ˈviːəməntli/
Part of Speech: Adverb
Meaning: In a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling.
Meaning in Hindi: प्रबल रूप से, जोशीले ढंग से
Synonyms: Fiercely, passionately, intensely
Antonyms: Mildly, gently, softly
Use in Sentence: The activist spoke vehemently against the new policy, demanding immediate action.
Use in Editorial: “Naturally, transgender and disability rights groups protested vehemently against the revised curriculum.”


Pronunciation: /ɪnˈsɛnst/
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: Very angry; enraged.
Meaning in Hindi: क्रोधित, गुस्से में
Synonyms: Enraged, infuriated, outraged
Antonyms: Calm, pleased, appeased
Use in Sentence: The workers were incensed by the sudden cuts in their wages.
Use in Editorial: “Incensed by this regressive move, that erased all the progress achieved in the curriculum after decades of advocacy…”

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