In a certain code language, ‘What Where how’ is Written as ‘aa dd ff’ ; ‘Where there that’ is written as ‘dd zz pp’ and ‘which what here is written as ‘ff kk ll’. How is ‘how’ written in that language? 

a) aa
b) kk
c) zz
d) ff


‘What Where how’ – ‘aa dd ff’ (1)
Where there that’ – ‘dd zz pp’ (2)
which what here – ‘ff kk ll’ (3)
(1)&(2) “Where” and “dd” are common
therefore Where code is dd
(1) & (3) What and ff are common
Therefore “What” code is “ff”
In (1) Remaining word is “how” is written as “aa”

Correct Answer: a) aa

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