Sentence Coding in Reasoning

In Sentence Coding Questions of Reasoning, few Sentences are given with Coded language sentences. The word sequence / order may be change in coded sentence. Code for a word or sentence will be asked. Concept and Questions for SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, RRB and Competitive Exams in Hindi and English.

We have already discussed,

Sentence/ Mixed Coding

Today, I will explain the Concept with Questions of Sentence / Mixed letter Coding.

In Sentence Coding Questions of Reasoning, few Sentences are given with Coded language sentences. The word sequence / order may be change in coded sentence.Words without meaning is code of word with meaning. To solve codes like these remember the order of the numbers may be anything.

रीजनिंग के सेंटेंस कोडिंग क्वेश्चन में, कोडेड लैंग्वेज वाक्यों के साथ कुछ सेंटेंस दिए जाते हैं। शब्द अनुक्रम / क्रम कोडित वाक्य में बदल सकता है। अर्थ के बिना शब्द अर्थ के साथ शब्द का कोड है। कोड को हल करने के लिए इस तरह याद रखें कि संख्याओं का क्रम कुछ भी हो सकता है।

Example : 1

एक निश्चित कोड भाषा में, “tee see pee” का अर्थ है “Drink Fruit Juice”। “see kee jee” का अर्थ है “Juice is Sweet”, “jee ree mee” का अर्थ है “He is Intelligent”। “Sweet” का कोड क्या है
In a certain code language, “tee see pee” means ” Drink Fruit Juice”. “see kee jee” means ” Juice is Sweet”, “jee ree mee” means “He is Intelligent”. What is the code for ” Sweet”

Options (a) tee (b) see (c) pee (d) kee


  1. “tee see pee” means ” Drink Fruit Juice”
  2. “see kee jee” means ” Juice is Sweet”
  3. “jee ree mee” means “He is Intelligent”

1 और 2 वाक्य में “Juice” और “see” है, इसलिए “see” “Juice” का कोड है
In 1 and 2 Sentence “Juice” and “see” is Common, therefore “see” is code of “Juice”

2 और 3 rd वाक्य से “Is” को “jee” के रूप में कोडित किया जाता है।
From 2 and 3 rd sentence “Is” is coded as “jee”.

अब दूसरे वाक्य में, हम “Juice” और “Is” का कोड जानते हैं, इसलिए, “Sweet” का कोड “Kee” है।
Now in 2nd sentence, we know the code of “Juice” and “Is”, therefore, code of “Sweet” is “kee”
Answer id (d)

Example 2: 

In a certain code, “Delhi is capital” is coded as “7 4 9”. The sentence “capital are beautiful” is coded as “3 6 9”, and “Delhi is beautiful” is coded as “6 7 4”. Also “Patna also capital‟ is coded as “9 2 4”. What is the code for “beautiful” in this code?
A) 2             B) 4               C) 5            D) 6                E) 7


  1. “Delhi is capital” is coded as “7 4 9”
  2. “capital are beautiful” is coded as “3 6 9”
  3. “Delhi is beautiful” is coded as “6 7 4”

From Sentence 1 and 3, “Delhi is” and 7 4 are common
Therefore, from sentence 3, code of “beautiful” is 6
Hence, Answer is (D)

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