Accounts MCQ PDF for SSC CGL AAO Exam

SSC CGL Finance and Accounts MCQ Questions PDF in Hindi and English (Bilingual) free download for SSC CGL AAO Exam. Fundamentals of Accounting MCQ PDF for SSC CGL, Bank and other Competitive Exams by Abinay Sharma.

Account MCQ : Extract from PDF

Q.1: A cash discount always shows:
एक नकद छूट हमेशा दिखता है :
(A) Zero balance / शून्य संतुलन
(B) Equal balance / समान संतुलन
(C) Credit balance / क्रेडिट बैलेंस
(D) Debit balance / डेबिट बैलेंस

Q.2: Net income is equal to :
शुद्ध आय के बराबर है :
(A) Revenue + Expenses / राजस्व + व्यय
(B) Sales – Purchases / बिक्री – खरीदारी
(C) Assets – Liabilities / सम्पत्ति – देयताएं
(D) Revenue – Expenditure / राजस्व – व्यय

Q.3: Cash sales are recorded in :
नकद बिक्री में दर्ज है :
(A) Journal / जर्नल
(B) Cash book / कैश बुक
(C) Sales book / बिक्री बुक
(D) Both A & B / ए और बी दोनों

Q.4: Accounting is language of :
लेखांकन की भाषा है :
(A) Chemistry / रसायन विज्ञान
(B) Science / विज्ञान
(C) Businessman / व्यवसायी
(D) Business / व्यवसाय

Q.5: Bad debts are shown in the :
बुरे ऋण कहाँ दिखाये जाते हैं :
(A) Trading account / ट्रेडिंग खाते में
(B) Profit & Loss account / लाभ-हानी खाते में
(C) Both / दोनों में
(D) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं

Download Finance and Accounts Questions

Name : Important Accounts MCQ Questions for SSC CGL – AAO Competitive Exam
Author : Abhinay Sharma, Selected as AAO
Medium : English & Hindi (Bilingual)
Number of PDF Pages : 68

Free download Finance and Accounts MCQ Questions PDF from the below google drive link:

Name : Important Accounts MCQ Questions for SSC CGL – AAO Competitive Exam
Medium : English & Hindi (Bilingual)
Number of PDF Pages : 69

Thanks for download Finance and Accounts Questions and Answer PDF for SSC CGL AAO Exam.

Disclaimer : The above Finance and Accounts MCQ Questions credit goes to Mr. Abhinay Sharma. We share the link for the self study of students and Government Jobs aspirants.

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