A list of all Common Computer Abbreviations, A to Z Full form list PDF for Competitive Exams for free download. Basic to advance all full form of Computer terminology used many acronyms. Computer parts and related abbreviation are asked in many Jobs Interview, Computer awareness test and Competitive Exams. Further, we have added the short cut key PDF for use of Computer Operating system and Microsoft office.
The list of computer Abbreviations used to describe various components can be overwhelming to understand the world of computer science. Most significant terms have been organised in a list of computer acronyms for download. In this PDF all the full forms are given with it definition. No doubt this is the best document to enhance your Computer General Knowledge / Awareness. We are giving few example (extract) from the computer full form PDF :
Extract from the Computer Full Form List
GIF – Graphics Interchange Format: GIF is a graphics image format widely used on the Internet. It is a convenient format due to its versatility and support for different web browsers and operating systems.
GPS – Global Positioning System: GPS is a navigation system used to determine the current location. A GPS system is satellite-based and comprised of a satellite network located in orbit powered by a radio signals. GPS systems can be used for guidance when travelling or they can be located in mobile phones and other portable devices.
GPU – Graphics Processing Unit: A GPU is an electronic circuit located inside your computer that helps to speed up the production of images to enable them to be viewed on a display screen. GPUs are built into a large variety of devices including laptops, mobile phone devices, gaming consoles, and more, to facilitate the processing or graphics and images.
GUI – Graphical User Interface: A GUI is a technology that facilitates interaction between electronic devices using image icons as opposed to text commands. A GUI is typically present in portable devices, gaming devices, and media players and works through the modification of visual indicators.
Download : Computer Full Form List PDF
Name : Common Computer Acronyms
A to Z List of Computer Abbreviations
Useful for Competitive Exams
Medium : English
Number of PDF Pages : 14
Computer Abbreviations PDF
Name : Basic Computer Abbreviations
Medium : English
Number of Pdf Pages : 8

Download Computer Shortcut Key PDF
PDF Name : Computer Shortcut key
Number of PDF Page : 2
Language- English
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