CUET Psychology Mock Test

CUET (UG) Psychology online Practice Mock Test of 50 MCQ questions as per latest exam pattern. Common University Entrance Test Section II Domain Subject Psychology exam practice question paper is given here.

Common University Entrance Test
Subject : Psychology
Questions : Attempt any 40 out of 50
Time : 45 Minutes

CUET (UG) Psychology Mock Test

Q.1: Which among the following are important psychological attributes?
(1) Intelligence
(2) Interest
(3) Personality
(4) Values
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) All of these

Ans : (d) All of these

Q.2: The theory of seven primary mental abilities is given by
(a) Louis Thurstone
(b) Mayer
(c) Guilford
(d) Theodore Simon

Ans : (a) Louis Thurstone

Q.3: Ability to use past experiences creatively to solve novel problems is known as
(a) Musical intelligence
(b) Interpersonal intelligence
(c) Experiential intelligence
(d) Contextual intelligence

Ans : (c) Experiential intelligence

Q.4: A hierarchial model of intelligence consisting of abilities operating at two level was proposed by
(a) J.P. Guilford
(b) Charles Spearman
(c) Arthur Jensen
(d) Howard Gardner

Ans : (c) Arthur Jensen

Q.5: If a person has the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviour of other people, he/she is said to have
(a) Interpersonal intelligence
(b) Intrapersonal intelligence
(c) Linguistic intelligence
(d) Social intelligence

Ans : (a) Interpersonal intelligence

Q.6: ………………….. involves the complete awareness of our relationship with the natural world.
(a) Interpersonal
(b) Naturalistic
(c) Intrapersonal
(d) Linguistic

Ans : (b) Naturalistic

Q.7: These are highly generalised in nature. They indicate the goal around which a person’s entire life seems to revolve?
(a) Person’s with cardinal traits
(b) Person’s with central traits
(c) Person’s with secondary traits
(d) Cattel’s trait theory

Ans : (a) Person’s with cardinal traits

Q.8: Which theorist said that human beings are guided as much by aims and aspirations as by sex and aggression.
(a) Carl Jung
(b) Karen Horney
(c) Erich Fromm
(d) Alfred Adler

Ans : (a) Carl Jung

Q.9: Dismissing anxiety provoking behaviours or thoughts from unconscious is known as
(a) Projection
(b) Rationalisation
(c) Repression
(d) Denial

Ans : (c) Repression

Q.10: As persons we always make some judgement about our own self is known as
(a) Self-regulation
(b) Self-esteem
(c) Self-concept
(d) Self-efficacy

Ans : (c) Self-concept

Q.11: Which test consists of 10 inkblots?
(a) The Rorschach test
(b) Thematic apperception test
(c) Rosenzweig picture test
(d) Draw a person test

Ans : (a) The Rorschach test

Q.12: Who among the following psychologist divided all personalities into introverts and extroverts?
(a) Freud
(b) Carl Jung
(c) Adler
(d) Erikson

Ans : (b) Carl Jung

Q.13: Who defined stress as the non-specific response of the body to any demand?
(a) Hans Selye
(b) JP Das
(c) Sternberg
(d) Lewis Terman

Ans : (a) Hans Selye

Q.14: The cognitive theory of stress was proposed by
(a) Selye
(b) Endler
(c) Parker
(d) Lazarus

Ans : (d) Lazarus

Q.15: Blocking of needs and motives that cause hindrance in achieving the desired goal results in
(a) Stress
(b) Conflict
(c) Frustration
(d) Aggression

Ans : (c) Frustration

Q.16: Stress coping strategies like task-oriented strategy, Emotional-oriented strategy and Avoidence-oriented strategy is give by
(a) Endler and Porker
(b) Lazarus and Folkman
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Alfered Binet

Ans : (a) Endler and Porker

Q.17: ………… is a silent killer which plays a significant role in physical illness and disease.
(a) Workout
(b) Stress
(c) Environment
(d) Emotions

Ans : (b) Stress

Q.18: Match the List I with List II.

List-I List-II
A. Cognitive theory of stress1. Destroy invertors
B. Frustration-aggression hypothesis2. Produce antibodies
C. B cells3. Dollard and Miller
D. T cells4. Lazarus

(a) 4 3 2 1
(b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 2 3 4 1
(d) 1 2 3 4

Ans : (a) 4 3 2 1

Q.19: Children who have marked difficulties in social interaction and communication, desire for routine and restricted interests are suffering from
(a) Alogia
(b) Impulsivity
(c) Hyperactivity
(d) Autism

Ans : (d) Autism

Q.20: People unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a set of actions are affected by
(a) Manic-depressive disorder
(b) Panic disorder
(c) Somatoform disorders
(d) Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Ans : (d) Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Q.21: What refers to deviation from ideal mental health?
(a) Abnormality
(b) Normality
(c) Dysfunction
(d) Disorder

Ans : (a) Abnormality

Q.22: Which among the following term used when people develop a fear of entering unfamiliar situations.
(a) Social phobias
(b) Agoraphobia
(c) Specific phobias
(d) None of these

Ans : (b) Agoraphobia

Q.23: Inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity are main features of
(a) Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder.
(b) Appositional Defiant Disorder
(c) Conduct Disorder
(d) None of the above

Ans : (a) Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disorder.

Q.24: Which model states that psychological disorder develop when a diathesis (a tendency to suffer from a medical condition) is set off by a stressful situation?
(a) Behavioural Model
(b) Diathesis-Model
(c) Socio-Cultural Model
(d) Cognitive Model

Ans : (b) Diathesis-Model

Q.25: Logotheraphy is given by
(a) Victor Frankl
(b) Sigmund Freud
(c) Ivan Pavlov
(d) Carl Rogers

Ans : (a) Victor Frankl

Q.26: Mukesh meets Mr. Kamlesh every week. Considering that Mr. Kamlesh is helping Mukesh to overcome his maladaptive behaviours for a certain period, the relation between Mukesh and Mr. Kamlesh will be called
(a) Mentor-student alliance
(b) Personal alliance
(c) Therapeutic alliance
(d) Contractual alliance

Ans : (c) Therapeutic alliance

Q.27: ………… combines cognitive theory with behavioural technique.
(a) CBT
(b) RET
(c) None of above
(d) HET

Ans : (b) RET

Q.28: The rapid breathing techniques to induce hyperventilation is part of which yoga?
(a) Sudarshana Kriya
(b) Pranayama
(c) Kundalini
(d) Ashtanga

Ans : (a) Sudarshana Kriya

Q.29: Kundalini yoga is effective in treatment of
(a) Mental Disorder
(b) Physical Weakness
(c) Stress
(d) None

Ans : (a) Mental Disorder

Q.30: Cognitive therapy for the treatment of depression is given by
(a) Albert Ellis
(b) Sigmund Freud
(c) Aaron Beck
(d) None of these

Ans : (c) Aaron Beck

Q.31: Which among the following is the phenomenon by which majority group places the blame on minority out group for its social, economic and political problems?
(a) Stereotype
(b) Prejudice
(c) Social Cognition
(d) Schemas

Ans : (a) Stereotype

Q.32: Which among the following are attitudes that contain a ‘should’ or ‘ought’ aspect?
(a) Beliefs
(b) Values
(c) Stereotypes
(d) Prejudices

Ans : (b) Values

Q.33: In 1957, Leon Festinger published his theory of
(a) Balance
(b) Cognitive dissonance
(c) Attribution
(d) None of these

Ans : (b) Cognitive dissonance

Q.34: A mental structure that guides social cognition is
(a) Prototype
(b) Stereotype
(c) Schema
(d) None of these

Ans : (c) Schema

Q.35: The feature which refers to the number of attributes within a broader attitude is
(a) valence
(b) multiplexity
(c) centrality
(d) extremeness

Ans : (b) multiplexity

Q.36: Working together to achieve a shared goal is called
(a) Co-operation
(b) Compliance
(c) Conformity
(d) Obedience

Ans : (a) Co-operation

Q.37: Feeling of togetherness that keep a group intact is
(a) Norms
(b) Role
(c) Status
(d) Cohesiveness

Ans : (d) Cohesiveness

Q.38: Extreme cohesiveness in groups results in
(a) Group think
(b) Group polarisation
(c) Both (a) and
(b) (d) None of these

Ans : (a) Group think

Q.39: People who have assembled to watch a cricket match are at one place, but are not interdependent on each other. It is an example of
(a) Group
(b) Collection
(c) Single unit
(d) Multi unit

Ans : (b) Collection

Q.40: The Book ‘Mind of a Man’ is written by
(a) Gardner Murphy
(b) Maslow
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Gustav Spiller

Ans : (d) Gustav Spiller

Q.41: The study of the relationship between living beings and their environment is
(a) Biology
(b) Ecology
(c) Zoology
(d) None of these

Ans : (b) Ecology

Q.42: Consider the customs of the Bishnoi Community of Rajasthan, and the Chipko Movement in the Uttarakhand region. Identifies views shared by them.
(a) The instrumental perspective
(b) The spiritual perspective
(c) The minimalist perspective
(d) None of the above

Ans : (b) The spiritual perspective

Q.43: Frustration aggression theory was proposed by?
(a) Stokols
(b) John Dollard
(c) Albert Bandura
(d) Jean Piaget

Ans : (b) John Dollard

Q.44: Forceful destructive behaviour towards another person or object is termed as?
(a) Aggression
(b) Violence
(c) Frustration
(d) None of the above

Ans : (b) Violence

Q.45: Which among the following are the causes of Aggression?
(c) Child Rearing
(d) All of these

Ans : (d) All of these

Q.46: The intial step in the listening process is
(a) Attention to stimulus
(b) Reception of stimulus
(c) Paraphrasing of sentences
(d) Assignment of meaning

Ans : (b) Reception of stimulus

Q.47: None-verbal acts in any talk are referred to as?
(a) Listening
(b) Talking
(c) Body language
(d) Reception

Ans : (c) Body language

Q.48: What is defined as proficiency, facility or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training and experience?
(a) Skill
(b) Telent
(c) Intelligence
(d) None

Ans : (a) Skill

Q.49: Which among the following language is composed of all those messages that people exchange besides words?
(a) Body language
(b) Sign language
(c) Loud language
(d) Verbal language

Ans : (a) Body language

Q.50: Qualities of effective counsellor are
(a) Empathy
(b) Authenticity
(c) Paraphrasing
(d) All of these

Ans : (d) All of these

Answer Key : CUET Psychology Mock Test

1. (d)2. (a)3. (c)4. (c)5. (a)6. (b)7. (a)8. (a)9. (c)10. (c)
11. (a)12. (b)13. (a)14. (d)15. (c)16. (a)17. (b)18. (a)19. (d)20. (d)
21. (a)22. (b)23. (a)24. (b)25. (a)26. (c)27. (b)28. (a)29. (a)30. (c)
31. (a)32. (b)33. (b)34. (c)35. (b)36. (a)37. (d)38. (a)39. (b)40. (d)
41. (b)42. (b)43. (b)44. (b)45. (d)46. (b)47. (c)48. (a)49. (a)50. (d)

Thanks for attempt CUET Psychology Mock practice Test for admission in session 2024.

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