Idioms for competitive exams

In the English portion of every competitive exams paper, you will find the question “Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom”. Therefore, we are giving the practice set of Idioms, useful for SSC CGL, CHSL, Bank and all competitive exams.

Idiom for SSC CGL, CHSL Exams

Q.1: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Like a cakewalk

1. Smooth surface
2. Pleasant experience
3. Easy task
4. Active

3. Easy task

Q.2: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
All eyes

1. Watching with anger
2. Watching eagerly
3. Watching with no interest
4. Not watching at all

2. Watching eagerly

Q.3: Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
In weal and woe

1.In sad and gloomy days
2. In happiness and good times
3. In prosperity and adversity
4. In despair and failure

3. In prosperity and adversity

Q.4: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A green horn

1.Uneducated person
2. Inexperienced person
3. Clever person
4. Skilled person

2. Inexperienced person

Q.5: Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
Bag and baggage

1.With burden
2. Without any aim
3. Without happiness
4. With all of one’s possessions

4. With all of one’s possessions

Q.6: Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
A skeleton in the cupboard

1. A popular fact which is not hidden
2. A popular fact to be kept secret
3. An embarrassing fact not to be kept secret
4. An embarrassing fact to be kept secret

4. An embarrassing fact to be kept secret

Q.7: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Fly into a passion

1. To be aggressive at times
2. To become aggressive often
3. To become angry suddenly
4. To be always angry

3. To become angry suddenly

Q.8: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Break the ice

1. Make people meeting first time feel uncomfortable
2. Make people meeting first time feel sad
3. Make people meeting first time feel more detached
4. Make people meeting first time feel more comfortable

4. Make people meeting first time feel more comfortable

Q.9: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Beat around the bush

1. Avoid praising someone and demean
2. Avoid the main point by talking in a roundabout way
3. Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is not funny
4. Avoid using foul words to make someone uncomfortable

2. Avoid the main point by talking in a roundabout way

Q.10: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To smell a rat

1. To have reason to know the presence of a rat
2. To have reason to suspect
3. To know the smell of a rat
4. To learn the smell of a rat

2. To have reason to suspect

Q.11 : Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Fair and square

1. Honestly
2. Fair-skinned
3. Being vague
4. Good looking

1. Honestly

Q.12: Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Being an ardent professional, the lawyer always kept his clients at an arm’s length.

1. Away from each other
2. At a distance
3. Under wraps
4. Alert and prepared

2. At a distance

Q.13: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Cut a poor figure

1. In a poor state
2. To put a good impression
3. To put a bad impression
4. Bad physical form

3. To put a bad impression

Q.14: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Bear the palm

1. To bring joyful news
2. To lose a game
3. To advocate peace
4. To be a winner

4. To be a winner

Q.15: Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
“Just add a bit of cheese to your pasta and Bob’s your uncle!” Reena suggested to me over dinner last night.

1. It becomes easily and quickly achievable
2. It changes the appearance
3. It ruins everything
4. It changes nothing

1. It becomes easily and quickly achievable

Q.16: Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
When the District Attorney asked the convict about details of the day of the crime, he started beating about the bush.

1. Being excessively aggressive
2. Accusing others of the crime
3. Speaking in a confusing manner without giving a correct answer
4. Trying to invoke sympathy

3. Speaking in a confusing manner without giving a correct answer

Q.17: Select the idiom that can correctly replace the underlined part of the given sentence.
I know she really wants the promotion, but she really hit me below the hand by telling the boss about my personal problems.

1. hit me the bricks
2. hit me below the books
3. hit me below the bottle
4. hit me below the belt

4. hit me below the belt

Q.18: Select the most appropriate idiom that can substitute the italicised words in the given sentence.
I have been a vegetarian for a very long time.

1. donkey’s years
2. duck in the thunderstorm
3. die in harness
4. Damocles’ sword

1. donkey’s years

Q.19: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom
In hot waters

1. To be in trouble
2. To dip in hot water
3. To be in a hot climate
4. To feel relaxed

1. To be in trouble

Q.20: Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
The lecture by the French professor seemed Latin and Greek to the young students.

1. Interesting
2. Lucid
3. Unbiased
4. Incomprehensible

4. Incomprehensible

Thanks for attempt Idioms questions practice set for competitive exams.

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