Security Control in Tally Prime

Security Control in Tally Prime, Add User and protect Company data with password, Tally Audit by Admin and encrypt the company data with Tally Vault. Step by step guide notes for Tally computer course.

Protect Company data with Password in Tally Prime

Alt+F3 : Company > Alter Company >
F12 > configure > Use user access control : Yes

Control user Access to Company data : Yes
User Name:                 abc
Password:                    123
Confirm Password :     123

Enable Tally Audit:      Yes
Accept: Yes

F3: Company: Shut Company
Reopen with username and password.

Tally Audit in Tally Prime

Use Security Audit Features: The admin can use this feature to access the all users date in that company.

Display More Reports > Statement of Accounts > Tally Audit

Check Voucher Type

Remove Password from the Company

F3: Company > Alter Company
Control user access to company data :No
Current /Existing password: 123
Accept: Yes

F3: Company: Shut Company
Reopen the Company (username and password is not required)

Tally Vault in Tally Prime

Tally Vault: This feature will encrypt the company data and hide company name at list of Company.

F3: Company > Alter company > F12 Configure

Use Tally Vault Password to encrypt company data : Yes
Use Access Control : No
Alt +K (Company) > Tally Vault

Company Name : Name of selected Company
Password :                   123
Confirm Password:      123
Accept : Yes

Set the Tally Vault Password : Yes
Do you want to create a copy of company : No

Check the Company in the List of Company
F3 : Company > Select Company

The Company is shown as “ *************”
Select this company :
TallyVault Password : 123

Now company name and data is encrypt.

Thanks for Study the Security Control in Tally Prime Notes

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