Active and Passive Voice Questions and Answers PDF for SSC CGL, CHSL, Bank competitive exams. 400 + Most Important MCQs from previous year paper for preparation of upcoming examinations.
Previous Year Active/Passive Questions
Q.: Kindly offer your remarks.
(a) You have been requested to offer your remarks.
(b) You were requested to offer your remarks.
(c) You are requested to offer your remarks.
(d) You are being requested to offer your remarks.
Explanation: The given sentence is imperative Sentence (request) .
Subject + are requested + to + V1 + Object
You are requested to offer your remarks
Hence, the correct option is (c).
Q.: Please close the door.
(a) You please close the door.
(b) You close the door yourself.
(c) Let the door be closed by you.
(d) Please be the door closed by you.
Explanation: You are requested to close the door. Let the door be closed by you.
Hence, the correct option is (c).
Q.: The convict was found guilty by the jury.
(a) The jury found that the convict was guilty.
(b) The jury convicted him.
(c) The jury found the convict guilty.
(d) The jury finds the convict guilty
Explanation: Sentence construction of simple past tense, passive voice is:
Subject + was/were + V3 + by + Object
The convict was found by the jury. In active voice, the sentence construction
will be: The jury found the convict.
Subject (object of passive) + V2 + Object (subject of passive)
Hence, the correct option is (c).
Q.: Children make a noise.
(a) A noise was being made by the children.
(b) Noise is made by children.
(c) A noise was made by the children.
(d) A noise is being made by the children.
Explanation: The given sentence is in active and the same in passive will be:
Noise is made by children.
Sentence construction: Subject + is/are/am + V3 + by + object
Hence, the correct option is (b).
Q.: Are you not revising your lessons?
(a) Are your lessons not be revised by you?
(b) Are your lessons not being revised by you?
(c) Are not your lessons revised by you?
(d) Are you not being revising your lessons?
Explanation: Are your lessons not being revised by you, is the passive voice. The given sentence is in present continuous tense, active voice.
Hence, the correct option is (b).
Q.: Our vehicle had been stolen from our garage by the same burglary team.
(a) The same burglary team has stolen our vehicle from our garage.
(b) The same burglary team had stolen our vehicle from our garage.
(c) The same burglary team is stealing our vehicle from our gaze.
(d) The same burglary team will have stolen our vehicle from our garage.
Explanation: The given sentence is past
perfect tense, passive voice Subject + had been + V3 + by + Object The sentence construction in active voice will be:
The same burglary team had stolen our vehicle from our garage. This is because the syntax of sentence in
past perfect active voice is Subject + had V3 + Object
Hence, the correct option is (b).
Q.: I was obliged to go.
(a) Circumstances obliges me to go.
(b) Circumstances oblige I should go.
(c) Circumstances oblige me to go.
(d) Circumstances obliged me to go.
Explanation: Sentence construction of simple past tense, passive voice is: Subject + was/were + V3 to + object I was obliged to go In active voice, the same will be: Circumstances obliged me to go Subject (object of passive) + V-2 + Object (subject of active) When the subject in the active is not a person, we use with, to, in, at, etc., and not by in passive. Here, circumstances (subject) is not a person.
Hence, the correct option is (d).
Q.: He knew that his own life was unjust
(a) It was known to him that his own life had been unjust.
(b) It was known by him that his own life was unjust.
(c) It was known to him that his own life was unjust.
(d) It was known by him that life was unjust.
Explanation: Sentence construction of past tense, active voice is as follows
Subject + V2 + that + Object He knew that his own life….
The same in passive voice will be: Subject
(object of active) + was/were + V3 +by + Object (subject of active) + that It was known by him that his own life….
Hence, the correct option is (c).
Q.: She taunted her husband with the memory of his early promise.
(a) Her husband is taunted by her with the memory of his early promise.
(b) Her husband was taunted with the memory of his early promise.
(c) Her husband was taunted by her with the memory of his early promise.
(d) The husband was taunted by her with the memory of his early promise.
Explanation: The given sentence is in active voice and the same in passive voice will be: Her husband was taunted by her with the memory of his earlier promise.
Sentence construction: Subject + was/were + V3 + by + object
Hence, the correct option is (c).
Q.: He was driving the car so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(a) The car has been driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(b) The car was driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(c) The car was being driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(d) The car had been driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
Explanation: The car was being driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road, is the passive voice. The given sentence is in past continuous tense, active voice.
Hence, the correct option is (c).

Download : Active and Passive Voice Questions and Answers PDF
Name : Active and Passive Voice Questions and Answers
Transformation of Sentences (Active/Passive)
Subject : General English
Previous year questions from SSC CGL, CHSL
Medium : English
Number of Pages : 39
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