Aman Vashishth Sir English Class Notes PDF for free download. Handwritten English Grammar and comprehension notes for SSC CGL, CHSL, Bank and other competitive exams. The Notes in English and Roman Hindi are very simple and easy to understand. One of the best notes for Hindi Medium students for self study purpose.
Contents of English Notes
The PDF Notes covered all the English Grammar and Comprehension required for the preparation of SSC CGL, CHSL English MCQ. the Notes are as per latest syllabus and exam pattern of competitive exams. Some abstract of notes are given below:-
Part of Speech
Noun : Subject/ Object/ Preposition Object/ Subject Complement, Proper, Common, collective, Abstract, Material Nouns. Adverb : Qualifies a verb /adjective/ Adverb
Conjunction : 2 Clause ko join kare ya 2 words ko
Pronoun : Personal Noun : Ist person (speaker) IInd person (Listener) and IIIrd person (whom they talk about)
Linking Verbs, Semi Verbs, Adjective
Articles : He took a paper and wrote somthing on it about me.
Paper : Material Noun (Jis se page bana), a is article : kese page
Proper Adjective,
Proper Noun – Proper Adjective / Language
India – Indian
France – French
The French is the mother tongue of French.
Russia – Russian
Karl Marx – Maxist
Mathma Gandhi – Gandian
Subject – Verb – Agreement
Modals, Linking verbs, Marginal auxiliary verb, Main verb, Stative verb, Noun and case,
Adverb : Indian Soldiers bravely fought in the war against China.
She explained what she wanted to say about her relationship with Aman Vashishth.
Download English Class Notes PDF
Notes Name : English Coaching Class Notes
Subject : English Grammar
Language : English and Roman Hindi (Hindi written in English script)
Author : Aman Vashishth Sir
Useful for : SSC, Bank Competitive Exams
Number of Pages : 292
Aman Sir English Grammar Notes PDF free download link is provided below:
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