Clock Formula, Tricks, Example, to solve the Reasoning Questions and Notes PDF for SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, JE, MTS, RRB, UPSSSC, State and Central Govt Job Exams and other Competitive Exams. Example questions are bilingual in English and Hindi.
Clock Reasoning Formula
Speed of Minute Hand (MH)
60 Minutes – 360 Degree
1 Minute – 360/60 = 6 Degree
Speed of Hour hand (HH)
12 hrs = 720 Minutes – 360 Degree
1 hr = 360/12 =30 Degree
1 Minute = 360/720 = ½ Degree
Difference between Hour and Minute Hand in 1 Minute = 6 – ½ = 5 ½ = 11/2 Degree
Minute and Hr Both Hands | Angle in Degree | Happened in 12 hrs |
Coincident (ठीक ऊपर) | 0 | 11 |
Right Angle | 90 | 22 |
Opposite | 180 | 11 |
Straight Line | 0 or 180 | 22 |
Find the Angle between Hour and Minute hand at a given Time
Example 1: Find angle between the Hrs and Minute hands at 7 hrs and 20 Minutes
7 मिनट और 20 मिनट पर Hrs और मिनट के बीच का कोण ज्ञात करें
The HH will be ahead of 7.
Upto 7 HH travel 7×30 210 degree
The angle travel by HH ahead of 7.
½ degree in every minute, and 20 x ½ = 10 degree
210+10 = 220 Degree
MH is exactly at 20 Minutes
Means travel 20×6 =120 degree
The Angle is 220 -120 = 100 Degree
Tricks: We can use the relative (Difference) speed of HH and MH i.e. 6-1/2 = 11/2 Degree
Formula : HH x 30 (–) MH x 11/2
7 x 30 – 11/2 x 20 = 210 – 110 = 100 degree
Example 2 : Find the Angle at 2 hrs and 40 Minutes
2 घंटे और 40 मिनट पर कोण का पता लगाएं
2 x 30 – 40 x 11/2 = 60 – 220 = 160 degree

Find the Time at given position of HH and MH
Minutes Hand travel in 1 hr = 60 Minutes
Hour hand travel in 1 hr = 5 Minute
Therefore, Minutes Hand travel 60 – 5 = 55 Minutes more than HH.
Example: Between 3 and 4 when the clock Hands will be coincident (ठीक ऊपर)
3 और 4 के बीच जब घड़ी का संयोग होगा (ठीक ऊपर)
MH travel in 55 Minutes more in 60 Minutes
MH travel in 1 Minutes more in 60/55 Minutes
MH travel in 15 Minutes = 15 x 60/55 = 180/11 = 16 4/11 Minutes
3 hrs and 16 4/11 Minutes
Trick Formula: T hrs and Minutes X 12/11
3 hrs and 15 x 12/11 = 180/11 = 16 4/11 Minutes
T is First Time from the Given Time.
For Right Angle ( 90 degree), 2 time in every hr T : 60/11 x (T+- 3)
For any other angle we will check the Completed Minutes upto First Time
Example : Between 9 and 10, when both Clock Needles, were in straight line, but not opposite.
9 से 10 के बीच, जब दोनों घड़ी की सुईयां, सीधी रेखा में थीं, लेकिन विपरीत नहीं थीं।
Both Clock Needles are Coincident after 9.
Time is 9 Hrs and 45 x 12/11 = 9 hrs and 49 1/11 Minutes.
Example: Between 9 and 10, when both Clock Hands are opposite.
9 और 10 के बीच, जब दोनों घड़ी सुईयां विपरीत होती हैं।
MH completed 15 Minutes
Time is 9 hrs and 15 x 12/11 = 9 hrs and 16 4/11 Minutes
Example: Between 6 and 7, when the Clock hands will made Right Angle Triangle.
6 से 7 के बीच, जब घड़ी की सुइयां, राइट एंगल ट्रायंगल बनाएगी।
There will be two Right Angle (90 Degree)
Case 1 : Minute hand just ahead of 15 Minute
6 hrs and 15 x 12/11 = 16 4/11 Minutes
Case 2 : MH just after 45 Minutes
6 hrs and 45 x 12/11 = 49 1/11 Minutes
Mirror Image of a Clock
Trick Subtract the given time from 11:60 or 23:60
Example: Time in a watch is 10:20, what will be the time in Mirror Image.
एक घड़ी में समय 10:20 है, दर्पण छवि में क्या समय होगा।
11:60 – 10:20 = 1:40
Ex. : Mirror Image of a watch at 12:10.
दर्पण छवि 12:10 पर।
23:60 – 12:10 = 11:50
Ex: Mirror Image of a Clock shows time 06:30. What is the actual time ?
एक घड़ी समय की दर्पण छवि 06:30। वास्तविक समय क्या है?
11:60 – 06:30 = 05 : 30
Water Image of Clock
Formula : Subtract the given time from 17:90
Ex. A wall clock having dots in place of number. That Clock is placed over water. The time is 8:50 in water image. What is the actual time.
एक दीवार घड़ी जिसमें नंबर के स्थान पर डॉट्स होते हैं। उस घड़ी को पानी के ऊपर रखा गया है। पानी की छवि में समय 8:50 है। वास्तविक समय क्या है
Actual time is 17:90 – 08:50 = 09:40