Indian Polity and Constitution Objective MCQ Questions and Answers PDF book in English by Planet Knowledge Publication for UPSC, SSC CGL, CET NRA and all competitive Examination.
Contents of Book
Indian Constitutional Development
Constitutional Preamble Sources
Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and
Directive Principles of State Policy
Parts/ Articles of the Constitution, Emergency Provisions
The Union Executive
The Union Legislature
The Judiciary
The State Executive
Indian Federalism and Centre-State Relations
Public Service Commissions / Attorney General / CAG /
Election Commission
Local Government
Amendment of the Constitution
Fundamental MCQs : Indian Constitution
- Question: Who is the head of the Indian State?
- Answer: The President of India.
- Question: What is the minimum voting age in India?
- Answer: 18 years.
- Question: Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?
- Answer: Part III.
- Question: What is the term of office for a Rajya Sabha member?
- Answer: 6 years.
- Question: What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha in India?
- Answer: 552 members.
- Question: Who presides over the meetings of the Rajya Sabha?
- Answer: The Vice President of India.
Indian Polity and Constitution Objective Questions PDF
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The details of Book PDF
Name : Indian Polity and Constitution
Language : English Medium
Number of PDF Pages : 426
Pattern : 1750 Important Objective Questions
Objective Type Questions with Answer
Publisher : Planet Knowledge
For UPSC, SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, CET NRA and all competitive Exams
Indian History MCQ
Name : Objective Indian History
Publisher : Planet Knowledge
Useful for CSAT and other Competitive Exams
Number of PDF Pages : 343
Polity Questions Practice Set: Hindi & English (Bilingual)
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