Arithmetic Tricks for Competitive Exams Book PDF in Hindi and English (Bilingual) for free Download. Handwritten Class Notes by Rakhi Ahlawat and Sunil Kharub Anant Publication. This Mathematics book useful for SSC CGL, CHSL RRB, Bank, UPSSSC PET and Govt Job Competitive Exams.
Arithmetic Tricks for Competitive Exams
- Multiplying by 11: To multiply a two-digit number by 11, simply add the two digits together and place the result in the middle. For example, 24 x 11 = 2 (2+4) 4 = 264.
- Multiplying by 9: To multiply a number by 9, multiply it by 10 and then subtract the original number. For example, 7 x 9 = (7 x 10) – 7 = 70 – 7 = 63.
- Multiplying by 5: To multiply a number by 5, simply divide it by 2 and then add a 0 to the result. For example, 36 x 5 = (36 / 2) with a 0 added at the end = 180.
- Multiplying by 25: To multiply a number by 25, divide it by 4 and then add two zeros to the result. For example, 48 x 25 = (48 / 4) with two zeros added at the end = 1200.
- Squaring numbers ending in 5: To square a number ending in 5, take the digit before 5, multiply it by the next consecutive number, and then append 25 at the end. For example, 35^2 = (3 x 4) with 25 at the end = 1225.
- Finding a percentage of a number: To find a percentage of a number, divide the number by 100 and then multiply it by the percentage you want. For example, to find 20% of 80, calculate (80 / 100) x 20 = 16.
- Divisibility by 2: A number is divisible by 2 if its last digit is even (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8).
- Divisibility by 3: A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
- Divisibility by 9: A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.
- Divisibility by 5: A number is divisible by 5 if its last digit is 0 or 5.
- Divisibility by 10: A number is divisible by 10 if its last digit is 0.
- Divisibility by 11: To determine if a number is divisible by 11, find the alternating sum of its digits. If the result is divisible by 11, then the original number is also divisible by 11.
Details of Book PDF
Name : Tricky Arithmetic for SSC and Bank
Formula, Tricks, Questions and Solution
Profit and Loss
SI and CI
Tricky Arithmetic Class Notes is useful for :
SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, JE. MTS, GD Bank, UPSSSC PET, SI UP Police and other Competitive Exams.
This Bilingual Book is suitable for Hindi Medium students

Arithmetic Tricks for Competitive Exams Book PDF Download
Publisher : Anant Publication
Author : Rakhi Ahlawat and Sunil Kharub
Type : Handwritten Notes Book
Language : Bilingual – English and Hindi
Number of Pages : 136
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