General Knowledge Questions for SSC Exam in English : Free Online practice Mock Test (Quiz) of most important MCQs for SSC GD, CHSL, CGL competitive exams.
Test : General Knowledge
Medium : English
Previous year SSC Exams questions
New practice set in every attempt
#1. Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution is related to the writ of the High Courts?
#2. Which of the following taxes is proportional in nature?
#3. Which among the following is INCORRECT about the salient features of the Constitution 73 Amendment Act ?
#4. Which of the following statement is correct regarding climate of Indian subcontinent ?
A. The climate of North Indian remains similar throughout the year
B. The Himalayas protect the subcontinent from extremely cold winds from central Asia.
#5. Which of the following does not belong to the family of organic compounds ?
#6. How many fundamental rights were provided originally by the Indian Constitution.
#7. In which of the following Indian States does the southwest monsoon set first to give rainfall?
#8. Bhutia dance is performed in which of the following States ?
#9. The preamble of the Indian constitution is borrowed from the constitution of ______.
#10. In India, what is the total length of the coastline of the mainland, including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep?
#11. Who is the only Indian male boxer to win a medal at the Olympics?
#12. Which of the following colloid is an example of foam?
#13. Who was the first Indian Army officer to be promoted to the rank of field marshal?
#14. Dhinodhar Hills is located in which Indian state/Union Territory?
#15. How big are red blood cells in diameter?
#16. Linthoi Chanambam is associated with which of the following sports events?
#17. Which of the following Acts prevents disrespect to the National Flag and National Anthem?
#18. Tansen, the music legend was a courtier in which of the following courts before coming to Akbar ?
#19. Sao Joao festival is celebrated primarily by the Catholic Christians in which of the following Indian States ?
#20. Which of the following policy measures is a step towards liberalisation?
#21. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with directive principles of state policy ?
#22. Which of the following comes under Union List of 7th schedule of the Indian constitution?
#23. The number of Pawn in chess is _____________.
#24. Which of the following provisions of the Indian constitution is borrowed from the constitution of Canada?
#25. Which sport’s competition is the Sultan of Johor Cup?