Logical Sequence of Words Reasoning Questions

Logical Sequence of Words Reasoning Questions in English for Competitive Exams. Meaningful sequence / order of words, arrange as per dictionary order MCQ question answer for online practice.

Logical Sequence of Words Reasoning Practice Questions



#1. Which one of the given answers would be a meaningful sequence of the following words?
(1) Mega

#2. Arrange the given words in the order in which they occur in the dictionary.
i. Forehead
ii. Forensic
iii. Forest
iv. Foremost

#3. Arrange the following according to the dictionary:
(1) Exploit (2) Explosive (3) Exponent (4) Exposition (5) Explore

#4. Which one of the given answers would be a meaningful sequence of the following words?
(1) typing
(2) printing
(3) opening
(4) saving
(5) closing

#5. Arrange the following words in a meaningful order?
(1) Elephant (2) Cat (3) Mosquito (4) Tiger (5) Whale

#6. Which of the following options represents a meaningful sequence of the words given below?
1) Yarn 2) Growing 3) Cotton 4) Manure 5) Fabric 6) Seeds

#7. Which of the following options represents a meaningful sequence of the words given below?
1) letter 2) phrase 3) word 4) sentence

#8. Which of the following options represents a meaningful sequence of the words given below?
1) Metal 2) Process 3) Ore 4) Refining 5) Alloy

#9. Which one of the given answers would be a meaningful sequence of the following words?
(a) Honey
(b) Flower
(c) Bee
(d) Wax

#10. Which one of the given answers would be a meaningful sequence of the following words?
(a) Plant
(b) Fruit
(c) Seed
(d) Leaf
(e) Flower


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