Reasoning Series Questions and Answers

Reasoning Series Questions and Answers with solution. Free Mock Test of Alphabet and Number Series question in English. Practice Set is useful for SSC, UPSSSC PET, NRA CET and Competitive Exams.

Mock Test : Alphabet and Number Series Questions
Number of Questions : 20
Language : English
Daily New Practice Set


#1. Complete the Series.
12, 21, 23, 32, 34, ?

12 9 =21, 21 2 =23,   34 9= 43

#2. Complete the Series.
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ?

#3. How many times does n occur before p in the given series?

#4. Complete the Series.
A, C, F, H, K, ?

#5. Complete the Series.
3, 10, 101, ?

3 cube 1, 10 cube 1, 101 cube 1 = 10202

#6. Find the missing number in series ?
8, 24, ? , 80, 120

Difference is 16, 24, 32,40

#7. Complete the Series.
0, 7 , 26, 63, 124, ?

13-1, 23-1, 33-1… 63-1 =216-1

#8. Complete the Series.

Difference of 1,4,9,16,25,36 i.e square of 1,2,3,4,5,6

#9. Complete the Series
Z1A, X2D, V6G, T21J, R88M, P445P, ?

Z1A, X2D, V6G, T21J, R88M, P445P, ?

1×1 1, 2×2 2, 6×3 3, 21×4 4, 88×5 5, 445×6 6 =2676

N      …. S

#10. Complete the Series
ac _ cab _ baca _ aba _ acac

series is acac/abab/acac/abab/acac. Pattern acac/abab is repeated.

#11. Complete the Series.

Difference 4,6,8,10,12

#12. Fill the blank ?
_ fgg _ eg_ eeff _ ef _ gg

letters in pair

#13. Complete the Series.
5, 2, 7, 9, 16, 25, ?

Addition of previous 2 numbers 5 2=7, 2 7=9, ..16 25=41

#14. Find the missing number in the series ?
1, 6, 15, ? , 45, 66, 91

Difference 5,9,13,17,21,25

#15. Complete the Series
3, 8, 23, 68, 203, ?

Multiply 3 -1

#16. Complete the Series.

#17. Complete the Series.
6, 19, 54, 167, 494, ?

6, 19, 54, 167, 494, ?

6×3 1, 19×3-3, 54×3 5, 167×3-7, 494×3 9=1491

#18. Complete the Series.
2, 7, 27, 107,  ?

2×4-1,7×4-1, 107×4-1 =427

#19. Complete the Series
6, 62, 214, 510, 998, ?

62-6, 214-62, 510-214, 998-510,

56, 152,  296, 488,

96, 144,192,

48, 48

Now 192 48 = 240,  488 240 = 728, 998 728=1726

#20. Complete the series
1024, _____, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3125

1600 x 1.25 = 2000
2000 x 1.25 = 2500
2500 x 1.25 = 3125

same way

1024 x 1.25 = 1280


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The Alphabet and Number Series Questions are selected from the previous year exam question paper of SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO and other competitive exams. The Mock practice set is as per latest pattern and syllabus of upcoming Govt jobs examinations.

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