Tally Prime Book PDF with GST and Payroll for Free Download. Complete Step by Step Training Guide, with practice assignment for Tally computer course. Notes PDF are very useful to learn Tally for self business and work as Tally operator.
About the Tally Prime Book PDF
There are total 11 parts PDF parts of this Tally Prime book. 9 Pars PDF cover all the relevant topics and 2 Annexure of Bill books. All the parts of Tally Prime Book PDF are provided below for free download.
Book Name: Tally Prime with GST and Payroll
Author : Ajay Gulia
Super Success Institute, Muzaffarnagar

Accounting Fundamental and Introduction of Tally Prime
Golden Rules of Accounting
Manual Accounting and entries
Introduction of Tally Prime
Create, Alter and Delete a Company
Pre Defined Groups
Create new Groups, Ledger and vouchers
Voucher mode entries
Inventory of Items
Create Stock Group and Items
Bill Wise Entry and Details
Bill Book for Practice Entry
Stock Journal
Create Godown / Location
Transfer of Materials
Download : Bill Book PDF
Batch Wise Inventory in Tally Prime
Batch wise details required for Trading of Items with Expiry date. For Example Medicine, packed editable items etc.
Cost Center, Order Processing, Price List and BOM
Create Cost centers, Book the Amount
Place a Purchase and Sale order and Voucher entry
Create Price List for wholesaler and retail customer
Manufacture a item from the raw material, Purchase raw material, Costing of manufactured item. Bill of Materials example for a computer manufacture unit.
Zero Value Entries and Actual and Billed Quantity
Activate Zero Value Transaction
Actual & Billed Quantity Column in bill
Debit and Credit Notes
Purchase Return : Debit Notes
Sales Return : Credit Notes
Interest Calculations for Sundry Debtors
Multiple Currencies for purchase and sale in foreign currency
Security of Data and Import Export
Export and Import XML Data
Security Control
GST (Goods and Service Tax) in Tally Prime
Activate GST
Create Ledgers for GST
Ledger for Purchase Party
Ledger for Sales Party
Stock Group Creation
Create Unit
Create Stock Items with GST
Purchase the Items
Sales the Items: With in State : CGST and SGST Applicable
Sales the Items: Other State : CGST and SGST Applicable
Receive Amount against Sale
Make Payment to Supplier
Pay GST and Update in Tally Prime
Download Tally Computer Course Notes and Practice Assignment Bill Book PDF :
Download : Bill book with GST
Payroll Tally Prime : PDF Free Download
Create a New Company :
Add Capital in Company
Create Employees Group
Create Units (Work)
Attendance / Production Type
Create Pay Heads
Name :Basic Pay
Transport Allowance (TA)N
Provident Funs (PF)Na
Over Time
Create Employees
Payroll Vouchers
Attendance Boucher Creation
Payroll Boucher Creation
Display the Salary Information
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Tally Prime Full Course Notes with Assignment
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Please send full assingmennt of tally_erp_9 and tally_erp_9 with gst
Sir ye book kha se order hoga
this is best and easy to learn
It’s amezing, very helpful ,thanks a lot to make this.
pleace tell me why building accured dep is under group of Building (Fixed Assets) and it is credited .
office equipment dep is under group of deprecation in it has credit value .
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pleace replay me with this regarding with a great explanation.
Thank you so much
Thank you for helping all the students
How to generate tickets for services and how can we manage service Center through tally is that possible
Thinks sir
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Again thinks
I am pankaj Mishra
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It Very Very Useful. Thank You Very Much
Hi sir
Hello sir
Your notes is very best
I am Ayan Khan
mast hai sir
Respected sir/mam,
Thank you for the service your notes are amazing to understand. I work for a teaching institute, can I use these notes for students to practice the practice problems?
excellent sir you are good sir
Hi Sir, where can i get this book and am not able to download consolidated file from website. Kindly assist
excellent note reference sir
I can not open the Pdf No.6
Very useful content for practice,
and if you could also share the answers through reports for “GST bill entry” we could check if our entries are correct.
Thanking you
vary helpful . thank you
I Can’t Open Payroll