SSC CGL, CHSL Previous Year English Vocabulary book PDF free download. All most important words meaning in Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms, ureses in sentence for preparation of upcoming exams. This PDF is designed to help the Hindi Medium students to upgrade their vocabulary up to SSC CGL Exam level.
English Words from Previous SSC CGL, CHSL
We are reproduce only two words from the Vocabulary book PDF. There are more than 2000 words in following formats.
Belligerent (Adjective.):
Pronunciation: buh-li-juh-runt
Word Meaning: Inclined to exhibit hostility or aggressive behavior; engaged in war or conflict.
Word Meaning in Hindi: युद्धरत
Synonyms: Hostile, Aggressive, Combative, Pugnacious, Militant
Antonyms: Peaceful, Amicable, Friendly, Diplomatic, Non-aggressive
Uses in Sentence:
- The belligerent nations refused to negotiate a peaceful resolution.
- His belligerent attitude made the situation even more tense.
Word Uses in Hindi:
- युद्धरत देशों के बीच संवाद का सुझाव देना शांतिपूर्ण समाधान की दिशा में होता है। (Suggesting dialogue between belligerent nations is in the direction of a peaceful resolution.)
- उसका युद्धरत रवैया स्थिति को और भी तनावपूर्ण बना दिया। (His belligerent attitude made the situation even more tense.)
Zany (Adj.)
Pronunciation: /ˈzeɪni/
Word Meaning:
- Amusingly unconventional and eccentric; absurd or ludicrous in an entertaining way.
- Comically odd or eccentric in behavior or appearance.
Word Meaning in Hindi: बेवकूफ , मजाकिया , पागल
Synonyms: Eccentric, quirky, whimsical, offbeat, unconventional. Goofy, ludicrous, absurd, ridiculous, funny.
Antonyms: Serious, conventional, ordinary, mainstream, normal. Sane, rational, sensible, sober.
Uses in Sentence:
- The comedian’s zany antics kept the audience laughing throughout the show.
- He had a zany sense of fashion, always wearing mismatched clothes and bright colors.
- The party was filled with zany characters who entertained everyone with their wild stories.
Word uses in Hindi:
- हास्य कलाकार के अद्भुत प्रयोग ने प्रस्तुति के दौरान दर्शकों को हंसाया। (The comedian’s zany antics kept the audience laughing throughout the show.)
- उसकी विचित्र फैशन सेंस हमेशा विभिन्न कपड़ों और चमकदार रंगों के साथ पहनकर उनको पागल बनाता था। (He had a zany sense of fashion, always wearing mismatched clothes and bright colors.)
- पार्टी विभिन्न चरित्रों से भरी थी जिन्होंने अपनी वन्दनात्मक कहानियों से सभी को मनोरंजन किया। (The party was filled with zany characters who entertained everyone with their wild stories.)

Download : SSC Previous Year English Vocabulary PDF
Name : SSC Previous Year English Vocabulary
By : Team
For SSC CGL, CHSL, Bank and All Competitive Exams
2000+ Word
Medium : English
Number of pages : 2070
Free download Vocabulary book PDF for preparation of Competitive Exams.