Tally Prime Book in Hindi PDF Free download 

Tally Prime Book with GST and Payroll in Hindi PDF for Free download. This book is designed for Tally Computer Training Institute and self study and learning by the students. This Bilingual ( Hindi and English) Tally Prime Book is very useful for Hindi Medium students. The Notes with practice assignment are included for the easy learning and practice.

Definition of Accounting

Accounting is the process of identifying, recording, classifying and reporting information on financial transactions in a systematic manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making.
लेखांकन निर्णय लेने के लिए वित्तीय जानकारी प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से व्यवस्थित तरीके से वित्तीय लेनदेन पर जानकारी को पहचानने, रिकोर्ड करने, वर्गीकृत करने और रिपोर्ट करने की प्रक्रिया है।

Types of Accounts

There are basically three types of Accounts maintained for transactions

  • Personal Account / व्यक्तिगत खाता
  • Real Account / वास्तविक खाता
  • Nominal Account / नाममात्र खाता

Personal Account: Any individual person or any firms or any company or a bank is considered in
a Personal account.
व्यक्तिगत खाता : किसी भी व्यक्ति या किसी फर्म कंपनी या बैंक को व्यक्तिगत खाते में माना जाता है l
For example:-
Rajesh Singh
Muna Enterprise
Wipro Pvt Ltd
PNB Bank
Capital etc.

Real Account: Account of any physical things. The cash account or goods account are examples
of Real account.
वास्तविक खाता : किसी भी भौतिक चीजों का हिसाब नकद खाता या माल खाता वास्तविक खाता कहलाता है l
For example:- Cash
Computer etc.

Nominal Account: Account of any invisible things that means that things are in terms of cash
are examples of Nominal account.
नाममात्र खाता : किसी अद्रश्य वस्तु का लेखा जिसका अर्थ है कि वस्तुएँ नकदी के रूप में है, नाममात्र खाते के उदाहरण है –
For example:- Discount, Commission, Salary, wages, Freight etc.


Personal Accounts (व्यक्तिगत खाता )

The Receiver (प्राप्तकर्ता)Debit (Dr)
The Giver (देने वाला)Credit (Cr)

Real Accounts (वास्तविक खाता)

What comes in (जो आता है)Debit (Dr)
What goes out (जो जाता है)Credit (Cr)

Nominal Accounts (नाममात्र खाता)

All Expenses or Losses (सभी खर्च या हानि)Debit (Dr)
All Income or Gains (सभी आय या लाभ)Credit (Cr)

Tally Prime Book in Hindi Free PDF Download

Name : Tally Prime Book with Payroll and GST
Publisher : Super Success Institute
Author : Ajay Gulia
Edited by : Tamanna Iram
Medium : English and Hindi

Account to Bill Book in Tally Prime

Introduction of Tally Prime
Accounting Voucher
Voucher Mode Entries
Create Stock Group and Items
Bill Wise Entry and Details
Bill Book for Practice Entry
Bill Book : Annexure -1

Tally Prime Book in Hindi PDF

Inventory to Security Control in Tally Prime

Stock Journal
Inventory Vouchers
Batch wise Inventory in Tally Prime
Cost Center
Order Processing
Price List
Set Price List
Bill of Materials
Zero value Entries
Actual & Billed Quantity
Debit and Credit Notes
Interest Calculations
Multiple Currencies
Export and Import XML Data
Security Control
Data Backup
Tally Vault

Free download : Tally Prime book in Hindi from the below google drive link :

Part -3 : GST and Payroll in Tally Prime (Hindi) PDF

Activate GST
Create Ledgers for GST
Ledger for Purchase Party
Ledger for Sales Party

Stock Group Creation
Create Unit
Create Stock Items with GST
Purchase the Items
Sales  the Items: With in State : CGST and SGST Applicable
Sales  the Items: Other State : CGST and SGST Applicable
Receive Amount against Sale
Make Payment to Supplier
Pay GST and Update in Tally Prime
Payroll Tally Prime
Create Pay Heads
Create Employees

Free download : Tally Prime book part -3 in Hindi from the below google drive link :

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Tally Prime Book (English) PDF – Check here

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