Batch Wise Inventory details in Tally Prime. Training Manual Notes for Tally Prime Computer course with example and sample practice Purchase invoice for a medical agency.
Batch wise maintain inventory or stock items in lots. Batches help in better management of stock items with limited shelf life or perishable goods.
Maintain perishable goods or stock items with limited shelf life
Use batches for rate-wise categorization of stock items:
Identify stock item details from batches:
Batch wise Details in Tally Prime for a Medical Agency
This allow to track your medicine with a specific code. It also allows you to see and mention your medicine Manufacture date & Expiry date.
Create New Company
F3 : (Company) > Create Company
Show more features :Yes
Accounting :
Maintain Account :Yes
Enable bil wise entry : Yes
Maintain Inventory : Yes
Integrate Accounts with Inventory : Yes
Enable Batches : Yes
Maintain Expiry date for batches : Yes
Taxation :
Enable GST : No
For any existing Company : Press F11 (Features) > set the option Enable Batches, etc to Yes.

Create Ledgers : Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledger
Ledger Name | Under | |
Shree Medical Agency | Sundry Creditors | Maintain Balances bill – by – bill (Yes) |
Purchase | Purchase Accounts | Inventory values are affected (Yes) |
Health Medical Store | Sundry Debtors | Maintain Balances bill – by – bill (Yes) |
Sales | Sales Accounts | Inventory values are affected (Yes) |
Create Stock Group : Gateway of Tally > create > Stock Groups
Stock Group | Under |
Medicine | Primary |
Create Stock Categories : Gateway of Tally > Create > Stock Categories
Stock Categories | Under |
Painkiller | Primary |
Create Unit : Gateway of Tally > Create >Unit
Type: Simple
Symbol | Formal Name |
Box | Boxes |
Create Stock Item : Gateway of Tally > Create > Stock
F12 > Configuration > Inventory details
Use Stock Category for Stock Items : Yes
Item Name | Under | Categories | Units |
Crocin | Medicine | Painkiller | Box |
Maintain in batches Yes
Track date of manufacturing Yes
Use expiry dates Yes
Purchase Entry : Gateway of Tally > Voucher >Purchase F9
Purchase 1
Supplier Invoice No: 001
Party A/c Name: Shree Medical Agency
Purchase Ledger: Purchase
Name of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
Crocin 100 Box 45 Box 4500
Item Allocations for: Crocin
Batch No Batch 003 | Quantity | Rate Per | Amount | |
Mfg Dt.: Apr-2021 | 100 Box | |||
Expiry Date: 1-Nov-2024 | 45 Box | 4500 |
Bill-wise Details for: Shree Medical Agency
Upto ₹ 4500 Cr
Type of Ref New Ref
Name 001
Amount 4500 Cr
Sales Entry : Gateway of Tally > Voucher > Sales F8
Sales 1 Reference No: 001
Party A/c Name: Health Medical Store
Sales Ledger: Sales
Name of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount
Crocin 100 Box 45 Box 4500
Item Allocations for: Crocin
Batch No | Quantity | Rate Per | Amount | |
Mfg Dt.Batch 003 : Apr-2021 | ||||
Expiry Date : 1-Nov-2024 | 20 Box | 55 Box | 1100 |
Bill-wise Details for: Naqvi Medical Store
Upto ₹ 1100 Dr
Type of Ref New Ref
Name 001
Amount 1100 Dr
Display More Report>Inventory Books > Batch> Crocin >List of Batches
Batch Wise details Entry in Tally Prime : PDF with Practice Bills