CUET UG Physics Online Practice Set for preparation of upcoming entrance test in 2025-2026.
Subject: Physics
Medium: English
Questions: 50
#1. If point charges Q1 = 2×10-7C and Q2=3×10-7C are at 30 cm separation, then find electrostatic force between them.
#2. If two bodies are rubbed and one of them acquires q1 charge and another acquires q2 charge, then ratio of q1 : q2 is
#3. Two field lines can never cross each other because
#4. The potential difference between a cloud and the earth is 107 V. Calculate the amount of energy dissipated when the charge of 100 C is transferred from the cloud to the ground due to lightning bolt.
#5. Two charges 3 x 10-8C and -2 x 10-8 C located 15 cm apart. At what point on the line joining the two charges is the electric potential zero?
#6. What is the work done in moving a 2µC point charge from corner A to corner B of a square ABCD in figure, when a 10µC charge exists at the centre of the square?
#7. A wire of resistance 4Ω is stretched to twice its original length. The resistance of stretched wire would be
#8. Kirchhoff’s junction rule is a reflection of
#9. Determine the current drawn from source for the network shown below
#10. A deuteron of kinetic energy 50 keV is describing a circular orbit of radius 0.5 m in a plane perpendicular to magnetic field B. The kinetic energy of the proton that describes a circular orbit of radius 0.5 m in the same plane with the same magnetic field B is
#11. A moving coil galvanometer is an instrument which
#12. A circular coil of wire consisting of 100 turns, each of radius 8.0 cm carries a current of 0.40 A. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field B at the centre of the coil?
#13. A natural bar magnet
#14. At a certain place, horizontal component is
times the vertical component. The angle of dip at this place is
#15. A magnet of dipole moment m is aligned in equilibrium position in a magnetic field of intensity B. The work done to rotate it through an angle
in the magnetic field is
#16. Current in the coil is larger, when the magnet is
#17. In induction furnace, heat is produced due to
#18. The mutual inductance M12 of coil 1 with respect to coil 2
#19. If an AC main supply is given to be 220 V. What would be the average emf during a positive half-cycle?
#20. If the frequency is doubled, what happen to the capacitive reactance and the current?
#21. Which of the following current changes continuously in magnitude and periodically in direction?
#22. Out of the following options, which one can be used to produce a propagating electromagnetic wave?
#23. The electric field produced by the radiation coming from a 100 W bulb at a distance of 3m is (assume that the efficiency of the bulb is 2.5% and it is a point source.)
#24. In an electromagnetic wave in free space, the root mean square value of the electric field is Erms = 6 V/m. The peak value of the magnetic field is
#25. A ray of light gets reflected from the plane mirror. The incident ray and the reflected ray are perpendicular to each other. The angle of incidence is
#26. The nearer point of hypermetropic eye is 20 cm. Find the power of lens which can be used for its correction.
#27. When a light ray enters from oil to glass, then on oil-glass interface, the velocity of light changes by a factor of [given, noil =2, nglass = 3/2 ]
#28. Two coherent sources of light can be obtained by
#29. If a source is at infinity, then wavefronts reaching to observer are
#30. If the amplitude ratio of two sources producing interference is 3 : 5, then the ratio of intensities produced by each is
#31. Which of the following can be used to control the intensity, in sunglasses, window-panes etc?
#32. The specific charge of a proton is 9.6 x 107 C kg-1. The specific charge of an a-particle will be
#33. The value of stopping potential V0 from the given graph is
#34. If
x is uncertainty in the specification of position and
p is the uncertainty in specification of momentum of an electron, then the product
x and
p is of the order of ћ such that ћ
#35. Photoemission with visible light is possible in
#36. Trajectory of an a-particle is shown in the figure below, then impact parameter is
#37. The ratio of kinetic energy to the total energy of an electron in a Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom, is
#38. A 12.75 eV electron beam is used to bombard gaseous hydrogen at room temperature, then wavelengths emitted are in
#39. Isotopes of an atom
#40. Nuclear fusion is common to the pair
I. uranium based reactor
II. hydrogen bomb
III. energy production in sun
IV. atom bomb
#41. In solid state semiconductors, the number and the direction of the flow of charge carriers can be altered by
#42. In the circuit shown, the voltage difference between A and B, if the diode forward voltage drop is 0.3V is
#43. In a common emitter amplifier circuit using an n-p-n transistor, the phase difference between the input and the output voltages will be
#44. LED’s are not used for room lighting (although they are used for automobile bulbs and in industrial lighting) because
#45. A modern communication system acts as a
#46. A ground receiver in line-of-sight communication cannot receive direct waves due to
#47. Radio waves are propagated through
#48. Two field lines can never cross each other because
#49. A singal spreads over a range of frequencies called
#50. A concave mirror for face viewing has focal length of 0.4 m. The distance at which you hold the mirror from your face in order to see your image upright with a magnification of 5 is