Mathematical Operations Reasoning Questions and Answers in English. Free Online Mock Test for the practice of reasoning questions.
Topic : Mathematical Operations – Reasoning
Language : English

#1. Select the correct option:
#2. If “S” denotes “multiplied by”, “V” denotes “subtracted from”, “M” denotes “added to” and “L” denotes “divided by”, then
343 L 7 S 6 V 94 M 11 =?
#3. If “α” denotes “subtracted from”, “β” denotes “multiplied by”, “θ” denotes “added to” and “δ” denotes “divided by”, then
10 θ 8 β 4 δ 8 α 9 = ?
#4. If “@” denotes “added to”, “#” denotes “multiplied by”, “®” denotes “divided by” and “%” denotes “subtracted from”, then which of the following equation is true?
#5. If 7 (110) 4 and 19 (930) 12, then what is the value of ‘A’ in 16 (A) 9?
#6. If ‘+’ means multiplication, ‘×’ means to divide by, ‘-‘ Means to add and to reduce the meaning of ‘ ÷’, then the following What answer will come from the equation?
20 – 8 × 4 ÷ 3 + 2 = ?
#7. Select the correct group of symbols that are correct in the given equation ?
5 ? 0 ? 3 ? 5 = 20
#8. Select the correct group of symbols that fit the given equation ?
5 _ 3 _ 8 _ 4 _ 2 = 21
#9. If 0,1,2,3,….., 9 is written as a,b,c,d….., j,
Than find dc x f – (bf – d) x d
#10. Choose the correct set of symbols that will fit the given equation.
23 * 26 * 27
#11. If A means ‘×’, D means ‘+’ and G means ‘-‘, then find the value of 7A4D4A3G2.
#12. Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. Find the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis.
4 x 5 = 42, 5 x 6 = 56, 6 x 7 = 72, 7 x 8 =?
#13. Some equations have been solved on the basis of a certain rule. Find the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis. If 73 * 17 = 45 and 68 * 40 = 54, then 83 * 15 =?
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We have selected Mathematical Operations Reasoning Questions and Answers from the previous year exam paper of SSC CGL, CHSL. Questions and Answers are in English. The Mathematical Operations Reasoning questions are part of most of the competitive exams.