Python Language Programming Book PDF for NIELIT (formerly DOEACC) O Level Computer Course for free download. Python Programming Language has been introduced in new syllabus of NIELIT O Level in place of C and C++. This B Tech Lecture Notes of Python Programming cover all the syllabus of O Level. Moreover this Python Book PDF for is very useful for beginners. Book is very helpful for self study to learn the basics of language and clear the O Level Module.
The Python language has been recently added by CBSE for Class 11th and 12th Computer Science Students. All B. Tech, BE, BCA and MCA courses are including the python language in their syllabus.
Objective of Python Book PDF
- Read and write simple Python programs.
- Develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
- Define Python functions and call them.
- Use Python data structures –-lists, tuples, dictionaries.
- To do input/output with files in Python.
Contents of Book for NIELIT O Level
The following topics have been covered in the book.
INTRODUCTION DATA, EXPRESSIONS, STATEMENTS : Introduction to Python and installation, data types: Intigers, float, Boolean, string, and list; variables, expressions, statements, precedence of operators, comments; modules, functions—function and its use, flow of execution, parameters and arguments.
CONTROL FLOW, LOOPS Conditionals: Boolean values and operators, conditional (if), alternative (if-else), chained conditional (if-elif-else); Iteration: while, for, break, continue.
FUNCTIONS, ARRAYS Fruitful functions: return values, parameters, local and global scope, function composition, recursion; Strings: string slices, immutability, string functions and methods, string module; Python arrays, Access the Elements of an Array, array methods.
LISTS, TUPLES, DICTIONARIES :Lists: list operations, list slices, list methods, list loop, mutability, aliasing, cloning lists, list parameters, list comprehension; Tuples: tuple assignment, tuple as return value, tuple comprehension; Dictionaries: operations and methods, comprehension;
FILES, EXCEPTIONS, MODULES, PACKAGES Files and exception: text files, reading and writing files, command line arguments, errors and exceptions, handling exceptions, modules (datetime, time, OS , calendar, math module), Explore packages.

Outcome of Learning the Python Notes
- Upon completion of the book, students will be able to Read, write, execute by hand simple Python programs. Structure simple Python programs for solving problems. Decompose a Python program into functions. Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries. Read and write data from/to files in Python Programs
Download NIELIT O level Python book PDF
Name of Book- Python Programming Lecture Notes
Useful for NIELIT O Level, B Tech, Beginners
Language : English
Quality of PDF : Very good
Number of pages: 142
Free Download Python Book PDF from the below link
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New Detail O Level syllabus with Python – click here
O Level Previous year Exam paper – click here