Reasoning MCQ in English

General Intelligence and Reasoning MCQ Question Answer in English for Competitive Exams. Practice Set of 25 questions is very useful for SSC, UPSSSC PET and all Govt jobs examinations:

Topic : Reasoning
Medium : English
Mode : Online
Number of Questions : 25
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Reasoning MCQ Questions in English



#1. In a certain code language, ‘TULIPS’ is written as ‘GFORKH’. How will ‘GARDEN’ be written in that language ?

#2. Embedded figure

#3. Complete the Series.
A, C, F, H, K, ?

#4. Select the Water Image of Figure.

#5. What is the number of 1 cm cube in the given figure?

#6. In a row of boys, Anil is 15th from the left and Vikas is seventh from the right. When both of them interchange their positions, Vikas becomes 15th from the right, find out how many boys are there in the row.

#7. At what time between 8:00 and 9:00 in a clock will the hands of the clock be in the opposite direction?

MH completed 10 Minutes
Time is 8 hrs and 10 x 10/11 =  8 hrs and 10  10/11 Minutes

#8. Complete the Series
6, 62, 214, 510, 998, ?

62-6, 214-62, 510-214, 998-510,

56, 152,  296, 488,

96, 144,192,

48, 48

Now 192 48 = 240,  488 240 = 728, 998 728=1726

#9. Venn Diagram

#10. Which of the following options represents a meaningful sequence of the words given below?
1) letter 2) phrase 3) word 4) sentence

#11. Which day was 26 January 2001?

1 January 2001 Monday (First Day of Centaury)
26-1=25 days
25/7= 4 odd days
Add 4 in Monday = Friday

#12. Pointing towards a woman, Reena said, ‘She is the only daughter of my father-in-law.’ How is the women related to Reena?

#13. Mohan ranked 9th from the top and 38th from the bottom in the class. How many students are there in the class?

#14. In a code language, LANCER is written as NALREC. How will NORWAY be written in that language ?

#15. A cube is painted red on all six sides. It is then cut into 27 equal cubes. How many cubes are dyed on one side only?

Painted one side in each face =1
Total face of Cube 6

#16. Select the option, which have same relation to the given set of numbers.

26-18 = 8, 8×18 = 144
21-12=9, 9 x12 =108

#17. Among 5 friends, A is shorter than B but taller than E. C is a little taller than B, but D is a little shorter than B and a little taller than A. Who is the youngest?


Select the related letter from the given alternatives.

DLOC : ECI : : TOH : ?

D L O C –  C O L D
E C I – I C E

#19. Complete the Series.

#20. Complete the Series.
67, 70, 74, 77, 81, 84, ?

#21. If  0,1,2,3,….., 9 is written as  a,b,c,d….., j, 
Than find dc  x  f – (bf – d) x d

#22. आयतों की संख्या गिनें – Count the number of rectangles


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

Physician : Treatment : : Judge : ?

#24. If a cube is made by mixing 64 small cubes, then two faces of how many small cubes will appear ?

#25. If Mohini went to the cinema 22 days ago and she only watches the cinema on Sunday, what day of the week is today?

22 before was Sunday
Today = 22/7 ( 1 odd) – One day after Sunday is Monday


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4 thoughts on “Reasoning MCQ in English”

  1. Anshul Kumar

    Bhai Hindi mai syllabus chahiye hm bharat desh mai rhte hamari bhasha Mai hi nhi syllabus to hindi kaise aage badegi

  2. Arushi sharma

    Please give the answers of that questions which I mark wrong.

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