Reasoning Question Answer in English

Reasoning Question Answer in English for the practice of Competitive Exams. Online Practice set includes all topics as per latest syllabus and exam pattern of SSC Exams.

Topic : Reasoning Question Answer
Medium : English
Mode : Online
Number of Questions : 25
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#1. Which is not the Mirror Image ? कौन सा दर्पण छवि नहीं है?

#2. Find the Missing number / लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात करे ?


6³ = 216


Select the one in which the set of numbers is most like the set of numbers given in the question.

Given set : (64, 216, 125)

cube of 4,6,5

8, 27, 64 – cube of 2,3,4


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

Smoke : Pollution : : War : .........

Smoke : Pollution : : War : Destruction

#5. If 8th April was Monday, then what will be the day on 30th of the same month?

#6. त्रिकोण की संख्या गिनें -Count the number of triangle

#7. Ajay facing towards South-East turns Left = 90 degree, Right = 135 degree, Left = 180 degree, Right = 45 degree, Left = 45 degree continuously. In which direction now he is ?

#8. A solid cube with a size of 4 inches, sides are painted red, green and black, this solid cube has been cut into a 1-inch cube. How many cubes have no color on any panel ?

#9. Which of the following options represents a meaningful sequence of the words given below?
1) letter 2) phrase 3) word 4) sentence

#10. Mira starts at point T, walks straight to point U which is 4 ft. away. She turns left, at 90 degree and walks to W which is 4 ft away turns 90 degree right and goes 3 ft. to P, turns 90 degree right and walks 1 ft. to Q, turns left at 90 degree and goes to V, which is 1 ft. away and once again turns 90 degree right and goes to O, 3 ft. away. What is the distance between T and O ?

#11. Pointing towards a woman, Reena said, 'She is the only daughter of my father-in-law.' How is the women related to Reena?

#12. In a certain language, CHHAPAK is coded as DJKEUGR. How will MALANGA be coded in that language ?

#13. Reema Sheela and Mohini dance. Rekha, Leena and Reema sing well. Mohini, Reema and Sheela make good drawings. Who is proficient in these three arts?


Select the related letter from the given alternatives.

ZX : AC :: VT : ?

Opposite letters

#15. ऐसी शहरी जनता कितनी है जो चालाक और कामकाजी है ? How much of an urban public is it that is Clever and Working?

#16. Complete the Series.

#17. वृत्त की संख्या गिनें - Count the number of Circle

#18. A cube with a side of 6 cm is divided into a smaller cube with a side of 2 cm, so what will be the number of the smaller cube?

#19. Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.

#20. Statements
Some teachers are students
All students are girls
I. All teachers are girls
II.Some girls are teachers
III. Some girls are students
IV. All students are teachers

#21. Complete the Series.
2, 7, 27, 107,  ?

2×4-1,7×4-1, 107×4-1 =427

#22. Which Cube can't be made using above open dice ?

#23. Guddu's rank is 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among the students who pass an examination. 6 students did not appear in the examination and 5 students have failed. How many students appeared in the examination?

#24. Complete the Series.
A, C, F, H, K, ?

#25. Find the Missing Number

Multiply opposite and Add.
5×4=20, 3×2=6 -> 26
6×5=30, 3×4=12 -> 42
7×6=42, 4×5=20 -> 62


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5 thoughts on “Reasoning Question Answer in English”

  1. asutosh pradhan

    Some Answers are incorrect but explanation is correct… Please look into this and kindly update it

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