Simplification Questions with Solutions

Simplification Questions with Solutions – Free MCQs Mock Test for online practice of competitive exams.

Quiz : Maths – Simplification
Medium – English
All type solved questions.
Selected from previous year SSC papers


#1. \(\frac{5\frac{9}{14}}{5+\frac3{3+\frac1{\frac35}}}\) is equal to

#2. The value of \(\frac{\sqrt{80}-\sqrt{112}}{\sqrt{45}-\sqrt{63}}\) is

#3. The square of a natural number subtracted from its cube is 48. The number is

#4. The sum of two numbers is 37 and the difference of their squares is 185, then the difference between the two numbers is :

#5. The value of is \(1-\frac{1}{1+\frac{2}{3 + \frac{4}{5}}}\)

#6. The value of \( \frac{2\frac13-1\frac{2}{11}}{3+\frac{1}{3+\frac{1}{3+\frac13}}}\)

#7. The value of \({3 +\frac{3}{3+\frac{1}{3+\frac{1}{3}}}}\) is

#8. Find the value of \(\frac{2}{1+\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{2}}} \times\frac{3}{\frac56 \text{of} \frac{3}{2} \div 1\frac14}\)

#9. The simplified value of \(\frac{4}{15} \text{of} \frac58\times 6+15 - 10 \) is

#10. The value of \(3\div[\left(8-5)\div{\{(4-2)+(2+\frac{8}{13})}\}\right] \)is

#11. The value of \(3\frac12 -[2\frac14+ \{{1\frac14-\frac12(1\frac12-\frac13-\frac16)}\}]\) is

#12. The value of \(\frac{(3.2)^3-0.008}{(3.2)^2 + 0.64 +0.04}\)is

#13. \(\frac{4.41\times0.16}{2.1\times 1.6 \times 0.21}\) is simplified to

#14. \((4\frac{11}{15} +\frac{15}{71})^2 - (4\frac{11}{15}-\frac{15}{71})^2\) is equal to

#15. The simplification of \(\frac18+\frac{1}{8^2}+\frac{1}{8^3}+\frac{1}{8^4}+\frac{1}{8^5}\)up to three places of decimals yields

#16. if\(\frac{1120}{\sqrt P}\) =80, then P is equal to

#17. the value of \(25 - 5 [2 + 3 (2 - 2 (5 - 3) + 5) - 10]\div 4 \) is

#18. When\((\frac12-\frac14+\frac15-\frac16\)) is divided by \((\frac25-\frac59+\frac35-\frac{7}{18}\)), the result is

#19. 5 - [4 - (3 - (3 - 3 - 6))] is equal to

#20. The value of (\(11111)^2\) is

#21. The least number which must be added to 1728 to make it a perfect square is :

#22. if \((1101)^2\) = 12122101, then find the value of \(\sqrt{121.2201}\)

#23. The square root of \(\frac{0.324\times0.081\times4.624}{1.5625\times0.0289\times72.9\times64}\)


#24. \(\sqrt{110\frac14}\) is equal to

#25. the simplified value of \(\sqrt{{5}+\sqrt{{11}+\sqrt{{19}+\sqrt{{29}+\sqrt{49}}}}}\) is

#26. The number, whose square is equal to the difference between the squares of 975 and 585 is :

#27. \(\sqrt{\frac{0.49}{0.25}}\) +\(\sqrt{\frac{0.81}{0.36}}\) is equal to

#28. The least number, that must be added to 1720 so as to obtain a perfect cube is :

#29. \(\sqrt[3]{(333)^3+(333)^3+(334)^3 -3\times333\times333\times334}\) is equal to

#30. The sum of the cubes of the numbers 22, -15 and -7 is equal to


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