Dice Reasoning Questions Mock Test in Hindi. पासा Questions for SSC, RRB, Bank, Police, State, all govt job competitive exams.

#1. Which one is not a standard dice ?

#2. Which number will be opposite 3 ?
from ii and iii – only 5 is common
Clockwise – 5/5, 4/3, 2/1
Opposite of 3 is 4.

#3. यदि दी गई व्यवस्था का उपयोग करके एक घन बनाया जाए तो हरे रंग के सामने कौन सा रहा होगा ?
If a cube was made using the given arrangement, which one would have been in front of the हरा ?

#4. What should be at the opposite face of 2 dots ?
from (i) and (iii)

#5. Which Cube can’t be made using above open dice ?

#6. Dice
2 and 3 are in both cube – cancel them
Remaining is 5 and 6, that means both are opposite.

#7. कौन सा घन दिए गए चित्र को मोड़कर नहीं बनाया जा सकता|
Which cube can not be formed by folding the above ?

#8. Dice

#9. Dice

#10. Dice
Opposite faces F/B, E/C and A/D
Opposite faces can not seen. Clearly 1,3,4 can not be formed. Answer is 2
Selected Dice Questions from the previous year exam paper of SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO. Practice of Mock test is useful for upcoming competitive exams of NRA CET and UPSSSC PET.
Reasoning Questions – Topic Wise
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