Missing Terms and number लुप्त पद Questions Reasoning Online Mock Test. Question and answer quiz in Hindi and English (Bilingual) for SSC, RRB, Bank, Police, State, all govt jobs competitive exams.
Missing Terms Reasoning – Mock Test

#1. Find the Missing Number

#2. Find the Missing Number
Multiply opposite and Add.
5×4=20, 3×2=6 -> 26
6×5=30, 3×4=12 -> 42
7×6=42, 4×5=20 -> 62

#3. Find the Missing number / लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात करे ?
6³ = 216

#4. Find the Missing Number

#5. Find the Missing number

#6. Find the Missing Number

#7. Find the Missing Number
#8. कुछ समीकरण कुछ सिस्टम के आधार पर हल किए जाते हैं। सही उत्तर का पता लगाएं
Some equations are solved on the basis of some system. Find the correct answer:
2 x 3 x 4 =432,
5 x 6 x 7 = 765,
7 x 5 x 9 = 957,
2 x 5 x 7 = ?
#9. यदि / If
2 # 16 = 8;
8 # 8 = 1;
6 # 12 = 2;
Find the solution: हल करे :
12 # 144 = ?
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