Reasoning Test in English

Test your General Intelligence and Reasoning in English. Online Practice Questions with Answer for SSC CGL, CHSL, SSC GD, UPSSSC PET and all Competitive Exams.

Topic : General Intelligence and Reasoning
Practice Questions : 25
Medium : English
Mode : Online
Daily New Practice Questions Set

Reasoning : Practice Questions


#1. M, N, P, Q, and T each got different marks. N scored more marks than only P. T and G scored less than only M. Who among these got the lowest marks ?

#2. Pointing to an old man who is playing chess, Vihan said, "His son is my son's uncle". How is the old man related to Vihan?

#3. Complete the Series.
4, 28, 6, 26, 8, 24, 10, 22, ?

Two Series 4,6,8,10,12

#4. If 92 A 42 B 32 = 56 and 72 A 22 B 12 = 44, then


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

Smoke : Pollution : : War : .........

#6. Complete the Series
Z1A, X2D, V6G, T21J, R88M, P445P, ?

Z1A, X2D, V6G, T21J, R88M, P445P, ?

1×1 1, 2×2 2, 6×3 3, 21×4 4, 88×5 5, 445×6 6 =2676

N      …. S

#7. Mirror Image

#8. Mirror Image


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

3 : 27 : : 7 : ?

cube of 3=27

cube of 7 =343

#10. Counting of Rectangle

#11. Complete the Series.

Difference 4,6,8,10,12

#12. In a row of boys, Anil is 15th from the left and Vikas is seventh from the right. When both of them interchange their positions, Vikas becomes 15th from the right, find out how many boys are there in the row.


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

1 : 4 :: ? : 64

square of 1,2 :: Cube 3,4

#14. `All beggars are poor.'
If the above statement is true, which of the following conclusions can be drawn?

#15. Paper Folding

#16. Mirror image

#17. Mohan ranked 9th from the top and 38th from the bottom in the class. How many students are there in the class?

#18. Barun is the son of Chetan. Advita and Chetan are a married couple. Prakul is the brother of Chetan. Diya is the daughter of Advita. Suman is the brother of Barun. How is Diya related to Barun?

#19. ऐसे कितने पहलवान हैं जो किसान भी हैं। There are how many wrestlers who are also farmers.

#20. Water Image


Select the one in which the set of numbers is most like the set of numbers given in the question.

Given set : (64, 216, 125)

cube of 4,6,5

8, 27, 64 – cube of 2,3,4

#22. If the one day before yesterday was Wednesday, then when will it be Sunday?

#23. A introduces R as the son of the only brother of his father's wife. How is R related to A?

#24. Reena walks 7 m. to the South-East from point A. Then walks 14 m to the west, then walks 7 m. to the North-West. In last she walks 4 m. to the East and reached at point B. find A B. ?

#25. If 8th April was Monday, then what will be the day on 30th of the same month?


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