Reasoning Question Answer in English

Reasoning Question Answer in English for the practice of Competitive Exams. Online Practice set includes all topics as per latest syllabus and exam pattern of SSC Exams.

Topic : Reasoning Question Answer
Medium : English
Mode : Online
Number of Questions : 25
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#1. On Tuesday, I reaching a meeting place, 15 minutes before 08:30 in the morning, I found that I had reached half an hour earlier than the person who came 40 minutes late. What was the scheduled time of the meeting?

#2. यदि / If
2 # 16 = 8; 
8 # 8 = 1;
6 # 12 = 2;
Find the solution: हल करे :
12 # 144 = ?


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

7 : 50 :: 11 : ?

square of 7 plus 1 =50

square of 11 plus 1 =122

#4. Reema Sheela and Mohini dance. Rekha, Leena and Reema sing well. Mohini, Reema and Sheela make good drawings. Who is proficient in these three arts?

#5. A solid cube with a size of 4 inches, the opposite sides are painted red, green and black, this solid cube has been cut into a 1-inch cube. How many cube's three faces painted red ?

#6. Complete the Series.
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ?

#7. Saloni is the daughter of the only son of Kartik. Nirupama is the mother of Deepak. Yamini's only son, Ankit is married to Nirupama. Kartik is the paternal grandfather of Deepak. How is Kartik related to Ankit?

#8. In a certain language, CHHAPAK is coded as DJKEUGR. How will MALANGA be coded in that language ?

#9. If "S" denotes "multiplied by", "V" denotes "subtracted from", "M" denotes "added to" and "L" denotes "divided by", then
343  L 7 S 6 V 94 M 11 =?

#10. My position in a row of students is seventh from both the ends. How many students are there in the row?

#11. Dice

Opposite faces F/B, E/C and A/D

Opposite faces can not seen. Clearly 1,3,4 can not be formed. Answer is 2

#12. How many times does n occur before p in the given series?

#13. If "α" denotes "subtracted from", "β" denotes "multiplied by", "θ" denotes "added to" and "δ" denotes "divided by", then
10 θ 8 β 4 δ 8 α 9 = ?

#14. वृत्त की संख्या गिनें - Count the number of Circle

#15. Dice

#16. A man from point A walks 20 m. to the north, then turns left and walks 40 m. again turns left and walks 20 m. At last he turns right and walks 20 m. to reach at point B. Find distance and Direction from point A to B. ?

#17. 6 boys are sitting in a circle in such a way that they are facing the centre.
1) Rajeev is sitting to the right of Mohan but he is not to the immediate left of Vijay.
2) Chander is sitting between Babu and Vijay.
3) Ajay is sitting to the left of Vijay
who is sitting to the left of Mohan ?

#18. Which one of the given answers would be a meaningful sequence of the following words?
(a) Honey
(b) Flower
(c) Bee
(d) Wax

#19. सीधी रेखाओं की संख्या गिनें - Count the number of Straight lines

#20. Ajay facing towards South-East turns Left = 90 degree, Right = 135 degree, Left = 180 degree, Right = 45 degree, Left = 45 degree continuously. In which direction now he is ?

#21. If 7 (110) 4 and 19 (930) 12, then what is the value of 'A' in 16 (A) 9?

#22. Mirror Image

#23. Complete the Series.

#24. Statements
A. All clerks are superintendents
B. All superintendents are managers.
C. All managers are supervisors
I . All supervisors are clerks
II . Some clerks are supervisors.
III. Some managers are clerks
IV. All superintendents are clerks.


Select the related word from the given alternatives.

Eyes : Tears : : ___ : ___

Eyes : Tears : :Volcano : Lava
Tears came out from Eyes and Lava from Volcano


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5 thoughts on “Reasoning Question Answer in English”

  1. asutosh pradhan

    Some Answers are incorrect but explanation is correct… Please look into this and kindly update it

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