Bar Graph and Pie Chart : Data Interpretation Questions for SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, UPSSSC PET Competitive Exams. Free online practice mock test of previous year MCQs for preparation of upcoming examinations.
Mock Test : Bar Graph and Pie Chart MCQs
Subject : Mathematics (Quantitative Aptitude)
Medium : English
Selected from the previous year papers of SSC CGL, CHSL
Mode : Online Practice Set

#1. The bar graph shows the temperature recorded every day in a certain week. What is the sum of the temperatures recorded on all the days ?
Sum =215 degree

#2. The pie chart shows the expenditure of a family percentage during year. If the total amount spent during the year is Rs. 3,00,000. On Which of the following items, amount spent together is equal to Rs 1,50,000.
1,50,000 is 50% of 3,00,000
Transport(10%),Others(15%) and Education(25%) =50%

#3. The histogram shows the score by the student of grade 10. What percent of total student scored more than 60 % ?
Total students = 50
Students with more than 60% = 25,9=34
% = (34/50)x100 = 68%

#4. The pie chart shows the number of girls in six school P , Q, R , S, T and U. The total number of girls in all these six school are 3000. Number of girls in a particular school is shown as a percentage of total number of girls in all these six school. what is the total number of girls in school P and R ?
P and R=17%,31%=48%
48% of 3000
(3000×48)/100= 1440

#5. The bar graph shows the saving and expenditure of 5 companies J, K, L, M and N. The average savings of all companies is what percent of the average expenditure of all companies ?
Average Saving =4800/5=960
Average Expenditure =4000/5=800

#6. the following line graph shows the favourite colour of a group of people. what percent of the number of people like black colour ?
Total people = 50
Black like by 10
% (10/50)x100=20%

#7. The line chart show the sales of bikes and cars of five companies L, M, N, P and Q. Which of the following statement is correct ?
I. The sales of bike of company L and M together is 45.88 percents of the sales of cars of company P and Q together.
II. The total sales of bikes is 77.5 percent of the total sales of cars.
Sales of bike by L,M=500,450=950
Sales of car by P,Q= 900,800 =1700
Statement 1 is not correct.
Total sales of bikes =500,450,650,700,800=3100
Total sales of cars =1000,550,750,900,800= 4000

#8. The line chart shows the salary of 6 employees of a company. What is the ratio of salary of F to the salary of H?
Salary of F = 400
Salary of H = 500
Ratio 400:500 =4:5

#9. The line chart shows the number of girls in 7 schools. Number of girls in S1 is how much percent less than the number of girls in S2?
Girls in S1=400
Girls in S2=1000

#10. The bar graph shows the sales of books (in thousands) from 3 branches of a company in three consecutive years 2018, 2019 and 2020. What is the ratio of the total sales of branch A for the year 2018 to the total sales of branch C for the year 2020 ?
Sales of A in 2018=14
Sales of C in 2020=70
Ratio =14:70=1:5

#11. The bar graph shows the production of refrigerator by 6 companies. The production of refrigerator by A is What percent of the production of refrigerator by E ?

#12. The bar graph shows the number of players participating in two game in six different school L, M, N, P, Q and R. Total number of players participating in game D from all school is what percentage of the total number of players participating in game E from all school ?
Total D =92,78,66,88,54,110 =488
Total E=146,102,82,104,96,118 = 648

#13. The bar graph shows the sales of two companies C1 and C2 in 5 years. J1 = The average sale of company C1 in Year Y1, Y2 and Y3. J2 = The difference between total sale of company C1 and C2 in all the 5 years. what is the value of (J2/J1) ?
J1=Average sales of C1 in Y1,Y2,Y3=1200/3=400
J2=Difference between total Sales =2000-2800=800

#14. The bar graph shows the number of books sold by two shopkeepers S1 and S2 in 5 month. J1 = The total number of books sold by S1 and S2 in all 5 month. J2 = The difference between the total number of books sold by S1 in all 5 months and total number of books sold by S2 in all 5 month. What is the value of (J1 + J2) ?
Books sold by S1=130
Books Sold by S2=130
J1=Total Books sold =260
J1 J2=260

#15. The line chart shows the marks obtained by two students A and B in 6 subjects. The marks obtained by A in all the subjects is what percent of the marks obtained by B in all the subjects?
Total marks of A =100,120,160,140,60,150 =730
Total Marks of B= 70,180,170,110,130,80=740

#16. The pie – chart shows the sale of different vegetables in a day of a shop. If total 1000 kg of vegetables were sold in a day, then what is the amount of tomatoes sold (in kg) ?
40% of 1000 = 400kg

#17. The line chart shows the number of pencil sold by two shopkeepers A and B in 5 months. Which of the following statement is correct?
I. The number of pencil sold by A in P and Q together is 31.72 percent more than the number of pencil sold by B in S and T together.
II. The number of pencil sold by B in Q and R together is 105.88 percent of the number of pencil sold by A in P and T together.
Pencils sold by A in P,Q=290
Pencils sold by B in S,T=255
(35/255) x100=13.72
Statement 1 is not correct.
Sold by B in Q,R (110,160)=270
Sold by A in P,T (150,105)=255

#18. The bar graph shows the cost price and selling price of four articles L, M, N and O. Loss = Cost price – Selling price. Which of the following sequence is correct for loss ?
Loss of L,M,N,O=100,50,200,300

#19. The bar graph shows the production of tablets and mobiles in four consecutive years, Calculate the ratio of mobiles in 2015 to tablets in 2018.
Mobile 2015=23
Tablets 2018=23
Ratio 23:23, 1:1

#20. The pie chart shows percentage wise distribution of teachers of six different subjects in a school. Total number of teachers = 1800 The ratio of the number of teachers in Hindi to the number of teachers in English and Math together is :
Hindi – 12%
English and Mathematics-33%
Ratio = 12:33 =4:11