Create Stock Item in Tally Prime Notes for Practice

How to create Stock Group, Unit, Godown and stock item in Tally Prime. Step by Step Notes with practice assignment for Computer Training Institute and Self Study of learners.

Create a New Company for Practice the creation of Stock Group, Godown, Unit and Stock Item
F3  : (Company) > Create Company

Accounting :
                Maintain Account                            :Yes
                Enable bil wise entry                      : Yes 
                Maintain Inventory                         : Yes
                Integrate Accounts with Inventory : Yes 
Taxation :
                Enable GST                                  : No

Create Stock Group in Tally Prime

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters > Stock Group

Stock GroupUnder
Mother BoardParts
CD RomParts
Eight SpeedCD Rom
Ten SpeedCD Rom

Create Godown / Location

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters > Godown
Main Location exists by default.  Create following new Godown

Ware HousePrimary

Create Unit

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters >Unit

SymbolFormal Name

Type: Simple

Create Stock Item in Tally Prime

Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters >Stock item
F12 : Configure  > Show More Configuration : Yes
Inventory details :
Provide Standard Buying and Selling Rates :  (Yes)

During creation of following items use
Units: Nos
Set Standard Rates (Yes) : Provide Rate of respective item from below table.
Opening Balance : Quantity of item
Godown : Onside and Warehouse, as mentioned below (Do’t fill rate here)

Item NameUnderStandard Cost RateSelling Price RateQuantityOnsideWarehouseAmount
P086 MXSystem7509408716000
P092 MXSystem90011301521313500
P110 MXSystem103012901221012360
MBP 133Parts240320220480
MBP 150Parts2853806601710
MBP 166Parts335450101003350
Gold 8Eight Speed456022090
Silver 8Eight Speed5570440220
Brown 8Eight Speed6080440240
Gold 10Ten Speed75100252501875
Silver 10Ten Speed95130202001900
Data Base AAce175250101001750
Speed Short AAce155220151502325
Data Base KKing100150770700
Speed Short KKing1402008801120
Data Base QQueen210306101002100
Speed Short QQueen70100440280
Create Stock Item in Tally Prime

Go To (Alt+G) : Stock Query  : To check individual items
Go To (Alt+G) : Stock Summary >F5 (stock Item wise)

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